Picloc 3x setting experience etc.


Drone Enthusiast
Hi after spending several hours of struggling with my becs and already scratching my head why every ....... bec i own all of a sudden it broken or not giving out the configured voltage, i finally figured that my multimeter is broken :) Little less drinking on the weekend and i would have been faster on this one :)

Nevertheless i got my Tilt somewhat dialled in with the picloc 3x on the av 130.

I think the results are not that bad on the little time i spend and if my damm av 130 wouldnt have issues again on the belt drive which i have to figure out before the next test it would be better.

Would be cool if others that are getting or have their picloc already would join in and give some infos.

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Drone Enthusiast
I think from now on i will dial in my gimbals by hooking up the cam to a tv set LCD and just take it from there. Whats the use of using a water leveler or what ever they are called if i cant really see the acceleration lag. Seen the video on a big screen and being able to adjust the setting while swining the bird back and forward on a stable plattfform just makes more sense i think.

One strange observation for me today was the servos did a smoother job with the camera being mounted to the gimbal out of balanced than being level in the gimbal. Seem to me if the servos have a load in neutral position they run smoother and react smoother to the next movement. But like said my AV 130 has mechanical problems so i could be way off.


For a rough initial test that video looks good. Hope to have my 3X soon and I can join your efforts. Interesting about the out of balance performance. Maybe because of the pre-load already on the servo pot?


Drone Enthusiast
I have no clue, i am just hooking up a 7v bec to the savox and trying to get rid of the belt issue. Lets see what it does than.



Drone Enthusiast
Okay getting better. After two hours the tilt mechanical problems are nearly gone.

Running at 7v now and still getting better results if the cam is out of balance on the gimbal.

Some more tweaking to do than off the the Roll.

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I do not know if your AV-130 still have the 10 turn pot on the roll axis, but when it is I advice you to order a Vishay 3 Turn pot as fast as you can, the difference is very noticeable :tennis:http://parts.digikey.com/1/parts/737840-pot-5-0k-ohm-ww-3-turn-533b1502jcb10.html



I do not know if your AV-130 still have the 10 turn pot on the roll axis, but when it is I advice you to order a Vishay 3 Turn pot as fast as you can, the difference is very noticeable :tennis:http://parts.digikey.com/1/parts/737840-pot-5-0k-ohm-ww-3-turn-533b1502jcb10.html

you need also a larger sprocket , i have also added graupner BLS servos with 0.03 delay to turn 40 degrees

on the picklock i have now a record on less then 1 second on full 360 (AV-200 ) used a lipo 8,4 volts


Hi Sandor,

I thought that the larger sprocket was only needed on the AV-200 mount? is the Graupner BLS servo a great advance compared with the Savox servo?


you need also a larger sprocket , i have also added graupner BLS servos with 0.03 delay to turn 40 degrees

on the picklock i have now a record on less then 1 second on full 360 (AV-200 ) used a lipo 8,4 volts


Drone Enthusiast
To tell the truth i am not really interested in faster ! I am interested in smoother and a gimbal that gives me a jitter free cam handling when i fly my bird with dual rate 80% expo 30%. Something like this:

if for real, will never be achieved with the hobby servos combo potis on any gimbal we have in the multi-rotor scene at the moment. Adding another upgrade will bring you closer from 10 steps to 20 eventually missing 80.

The upgrade of higher voltage is a good ideas but i want to see video in full HD and not frame rate reduction or any other post production than we can talk. This whole upgrade kit it great and i like the demo vid but what does it really mean for my cam on the gimbal. Keeping the horizon level for sacrificing i smooth movement is not my personal goal.

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The standard 10 turn pot only turns 1,8 turns with max roll input so you loose a lot of resolution, this has nothing to do with speed things up.



Drone Enthusiast
holco wasnt talking about the pot more the voltage trend that all of a sudden starts. Just pointing out that its always a danger in this market to follow these upgrade blindly before you haven seen them in a real action.




holco wasnt talking about the pot more the voltage trend that all of a sudden starts. Just pointing out that its always a danger in this market to follow these upgrade blindly before you haven seen them in a real action.


that is why the dealers do this testing for you :)


Drone Enthusiast
hahaha japp but I want to see it. As much as i trust you guys. You wouldn't either buy something blind from a sales person/dealer just because he tells you it works or ?





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Drone Enthusiast
looking good ! Will you test with a bigger cam DSLR or Camcorder ? Gopro fakes the restults a little with the fish lense.

Happy you have it you will like it !

