FAA where are we today


Active Member
I just want to see a proof somewhere in history that a group of people said: Hey, we are too stupid to take care for ourselves. Now we want somebody to take our money away, come up with stupid laws and let us pay fines if we do not obey these rules, start fights with other groups of people and send us there to fight and die, give us as much misinformation as possible, support everything what makes us sick, poor or just feel miserable....did I forget something ???


Chris it all started with your birth certificate! the birth certificate is the governments way of making a legal fiction, this legal fiction is subject to statutes/acts....example.
My birth certificate name is Ross McKinnon.
My real name is Ross of the clan McKinnon

So when you get cautioned/arrested for an offence (statute/act) you get..."You have the right to remain silent....anything you say..blah..blah..blah...do you understand". Now pick apart the caution. You have the right.....hang on we have more than 1 right! Do you understand....in other words do you stand under what I am saying. the answer is NO. Then use one of your rights...the right to silence, as the coppers job is done once you are under arrest, anything else you say will be totally against you.

So from this we can see the following.
1)the birth certifiacet creates the legal fiction...strawman, that is subject to thier man made laws...satutes/acts. Remember you are NOT the legal fiction, do not ever admit to being that fiction. When you go to court they call you...example "calling Mr. Ross mcKinnon, court 3 please". you walk in & they ask you your name....they already know your name, but by you giving the birth certificate name you immediately consent to thier man made laws/rules.

Learn to play thier game & realise that all police forces, courts & councils are registered as businesses running for profit...its like walmart taking you to court under thier rules.



I thought all laws are created by law makers and voted in, so how can the FAA make laws without law makers and not vote it in?


Active Member
I thought all laws are created by law makers and voted in, so how can the FAA make laws without law makers and not vote it in?

Firstly they are NOT laws, they are acts given the force of law. Can you show me the law that states its unlawful to fly RC aircraft for profit?


Aerial DP
I think the angle there taking is that the faa has the right to open or close airspace to any one or anything..... and they've closed it for now..... unless your law enforcement or a government identity that can pass the current rules....

Any of you guys ever had a runin with these pricks? I have twice, once where our shop dog got on the runway,,, that was a no brainer,,, but another time we had been storing a helicopter in out hanger, the dam thing went down and when they came to investigate it was like being cornered by the fbi... I had to go downtown twice to give my statement. I thought they were gonna charge me with something and i hadn't done squat. They come in very heavy fisted to shake you up, like cops do, but these guys are pricks. All federal cops are, never had a good run in with any of em. We are stopped 4 times each trip to the river by federal cops interior border checkpoints. us border patrol..... dogs, flashlights pokin around through your stuff, asking you questions to see if you slip up. part of the American Dream i guess. they've been around since i was a kid, but these days there different, 9-11 kinda changed everything down here.


Aerial DP
you have no idea. one of the biggest things that changed is the laws around phone taping. it used to be they needed a warrant to tap your line, then the evidence had to match the warrant to be admissable, etc. now any cop agency can listen in on and look at any text going on for any reason to anybody without a warrant. warrant meant they had to prove to a judge they had evidence and he'd write the papers. if they thought you sold a joint, then come across your for flying multirotors for money, they'll come arrest ya on the mr's... wasn't always like that

a loss of rights is an understatement


Active Member
Just yesterday we had a customer coming to our factory to do an Quality Audit (checking if we comply with our Quality certification). There was also a guy coming with from Austro Control (equivalent to the US FAA), because we supply our customer with components for full size aircraft engines. So eventually I start talking to this guy about Multirotors and the situation in Amerika with all the legal stuff, and there were two different interesting statements:
1) Austro Control in general doesn't care if you fly for fun or for money....you just have to obey a few rules about the weight of the aircraft and the Tx/Rx frequencies used....and they don't intend to change that.
2) The first thing he asked me (after telling him about the crazy FAA stuff in the US): Who is going to benefit if the guys in the US are not allowed to fly their Kopters commercially....?

America used to be a place where everyone (or at least a lot of people) wanted to life...today you must be out of your mind to apply for a green card....and that is not against the people living in America !!!



Aerial DP
it is frustrating, lets put it that way

everyday i picture myself sitting on a beach in baja with a hammock strewn between two coconut trees with a ponga for hire sitting on the beach. maybe a palapa, but thats it........ then reality hits, my kid jerks my pant cuff and wants me to wipe her butt....... christ,,,, the dream i tell ya, the dream


Terrorist did there job and turned this country into a non free country.
FAA has way to much power. They come up with rules that are so stupid, like turning off all wireless communications when flying in a commercial airliner, but now you can turn WIFI back on to use there high dollar WIFI connection.
Who cares if we fly an RC multi to make a profit? Has a multi ever taken down a full size? All they want is to make money off the little guys.


Arducopter Developer
Chris, that is the insanity of the situation. This difference between flying for money, or hobby. Why is it the FAA would allow every Tom **** and Harry to fly UAV's for fun, virtually unregulated, and that's totally fine. But do it for money and... woah woah! Now that's dangerous and must be regulated! It's absolutely the most nonsensical thing I've ever heard in a while.

If you ask me, it very much is a simple case of "follow the money". Hobby use, generates business for the hobby shops, etc. But for professional UAV use, it's the big boys, and their lobbying, that stand to make the most money, so they want to squeaze the low end out of the market.

So who's going to benefit? General Dynamics, etc.

Green Card... For 5 years I worked for Ford in Detroit under a TN Visa, commuting from Canada daily. Had a buddy doing the same thing. After a while, he went for the Green Card, but I said no thanks. I could expound on the reasons, but I'll just leave it at that. Eventually I stopped working in the US even.

Oh hey, just this morning I was watching the news on TV. They were showing clips of this motorcycle race in China. Then I see an Octocopter fly through the scene. I guess they were doing some AV. Big race, lots of people, lots of coverage. And a drone filming it. You never see that here. The US is falling behind, it's really sad.

It's not much better in Canada. We officially have a working system, but it doesn't work in reality. You can't get approval for an operator, or an airframe, or company. You have to get per-flight approval. And the approval looks like it takes 2 months to go through. So basically we have a system but it's completely broken.


Aerial DP
read that story i posted and the first paragraph is no longer valid and the second even more valid.

They'll have to pry this crap out of my cold dead hands.


Arducopter Developer
man, palapa, hammock, soundin good right now


seriously, we can't even fly parrot drones right now? wtf

Well, to be clear, the issue here is not that parrot drones are banned, but basically EVERYTHING is banned in the DC area. I don't think you're allowed to fly paper airplanes.

Not that it makes it reasonable just because it's the DC area, but just to be clear that parrots are not banned throughout the US.

Terrorist did there job and turned this country into a non free country.

Yep. The terrorists won. I think the whole thing has exceeded even their wildest dreams of the damage they thought they could do. Really really sad.

FAA has way to much power. They come up with rules that are so stupid, like turning off all wireless communications when flying in a commercial airliner, but now you can turn WIFI back on to use there high dollar WIFI connection.

Yep, exactly. Always follow the money trail. You can't use your data link on the airplane, because it might disrupt the airplane. Yet they don't have to shut off the cell towers every time a plane flies over? Doesn't make a lot of sense. They can't block the RF from coming in from the outside of the airplane, but they have to restrict it from the inside.

Then, as soon as the big guys figure out how to make money from the little guys, it's OK to turn on your phones again...


Yep, exactly. Always follow the money trail. You can't use your data link on the airplane, because it might disrupt the airplane. Yet they don't have to shut off the cell towers every time a plane flies over? Doesn't make a lot of sense. They can't block the RF from coming in from the outside of the airplane, but they have to restrict it from the inside.

The funny part is, the tower that is outside the airplane is way more powerful than our tiny transmitter in our phone. They also transmit on a completely different frequency.


Arducopter Developer
The funny part is, the tower that is outside the airplane is way more powerful than our tiny transmitter in our phone. They also transmit on a completely different frequency.

Exactly. Same deal with cell phone use in the hospitals. Oh, so you're afraid that the cell phone emissions will interfere with the sensitive equipment? You are using high quality equipment, that is immune to interference, right? My TV is immune to it, why not that heart monitor? Oh, and you also lined the hospital with a Faraday cage, to prevent the signals from getting in, right? What, you didn't? Hmmm... something fishy going on here.

I think the real reason, is that doctors just don't want people gabbing away on cellphones. We all hate being next to somebody talking loudly on a phone next to them. Well, they simply found an excuse to stop that.


Active Member
Terrorist did there job and turned this country into a non free country.

It's never been free.
the terroroists are the people in government, there are strong calls in this country to bring our ex prime minister to justice (Tony B Liar), for the illegal war in Iraq!!!

The ones who profit from us not being able to fly are the big film companies who use thier own helis to shoot movies.


Arducopter Developer
It's amazing, I'm actually reading 1984 for the first time, and it's a real eye opener.

The state creates a perpetual state of war just to keep people in line. The US has only not been at war for a few years out of the last century.


Active Member
Exactly 1984 it is. It's now called the New World Order!
Hitler started WW2 with false flag, America likes his ideas as do we & we follow them.


Going way off topic here but on the conspiracy note, this struck a nerve with me. could be BS of course!

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Arducopter Developer
That sounds a bit conspiracy theory to me. I'd have to do a lot of research to form an opinion. All I know for sure is, I will always remember, the day after GB Jr was elected, my father said "You just watch, he'll find a reason to go to war with Iraq. Finish what his father started."
