Camera suggestions


Any HDMI to composite converter will create a significant time lag between what it sees and what you see. Flying FPV would be impossible. This due to the time it takes to decode the HDMI digital signal to an analog one.


Drone Enthusiast
This is my solution..

I just velco them on. You can get lenses that almost match the camera lens for a few sheckles



Active Member
Sooner than I thought!

Of the two new cameras, the V1 is certainly the more interesting one for this application. Not the least of reasons being that it features plain video out (the J1 has HDMI only) and can capture full-res stills whilst filming video. Sensor size is a surprise - not APS-C, instead about 1/3 the size of 35mm, 10mpixels. I'm certain that quality will be superb, but the smaller size sensor makes wide-angle more problematic.

Tasty! Now we just have to wait and see what Canon responds with :)


Drone Enthusiast
Just taken a look.. video will be a seller for AP.. Never could quite understand lens sizes re sensor sizes.. What will the 10mm lens and that size sensor equate to?

Also the Video is 60i not interpolated? SO not true 60fps?



Active Member
The lens multiplier is 2.7, so a 10mm lens will be equivalent to a 27mm lens on a regular 35mm camera. That's "wide" but certainly not "ultra-wide" (its about 67° horizontal field of view). That would be just fine for me, but many might want wider.

On the video interpolation, I'm not an expert - I'd be grateful if someone knowledgeable could pass judgement on its video performance relative to its competitors.
