Build TBS Disco modded to X8 AQ FC and ESC32


Drone Enthusiast
Japp in the cellar there are a lot of pipes and stuff ! And its a typical old house like in vienna with a moist cellar. The cellar is the only place though were the heavier cars or trucks can't be felt. But you really think its the metal or whatever around ? since the mag logs seem to be clean ? Also added silica gel to the static bag hmm already setting up for the next try.

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I placed the board on a soft pillow on my bed. I stay next to a busy street on the third floor and I got smooth vibe free curves. Be fast when closing the box in the freezer.


Nothing beats a good ol' K&K House, right, Boris? :nevreness:
If another 4 arms will make the CNC Work cheaper again, you can hit me back too :)


Japp in the cellar there are a lot of pipes and stuff ! And its a typical old house like in vienna with a moist cellar. The cellar is the only place though were the heavier cars or trucks can't be felt. But you really think its the metal or whatever around ? since the mag logs seem to be clean ? Also added silica gel to the static bag hmm already setting up for the next try.



Drone Enthusiast
To tell the truth i am sick and tired of the typical viennese houses. It being my job and having to deal with them everyday :)

Meme i will let you know. Should have more infos and finished CAD files by monday i hope !



Drone Enthusiast
Okay guys. I am struggling a little :( Have 9 logs attempts behind me and i just can't get it perfect.

Last attempt now outside in this box away from anything !

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Temps are really strange. Outside temps are 10 C, board and static bag are warm after logging. Are these Y Axis numbers actually Celsius ?

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Inside also i can't get more than 22 C even if I let the log gin go on for 80 mins. Or is it the blue line that states the right temps ?

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Now Mag i just can't get it right. These are the outside results:

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These are the best results i got inside in the fireplace, in this run the ACC logs were crap. But in the following attempts i could not replicate the good MAG results ?

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Any inputs were I could still be messing up ?


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Drone Enthusiast
Okay i am going to stick to these logs for the static just can't get the mags better. Also compared to other MAG logs from other people and figured that my Y axis has a smaller range thus my MAG curves look more unstable but i guess its not the case. I hope they are fine this way ?








Aerial DP
that is so far over my head i can't even imagine what the heck i'm looking at..... lol,,,, man, i'd be screwed


Drone Enthusiast
hahaha its not like i have a f... clue what i am doing here :)

What the AQ FC wants though it that it gets frozen to -15 C and put in a airtight box and plastic bag, hooked up to a lipo and starts logging while the temps rises from the own heat it produces, to 40 C

Than these logs are used to calculate ( which the ground stations does for you ) in what form the ACC MAGs and Gyros are influenced when temps change. Parameters are created and the FC has info how it should react when the temps change etc.

(edit) this procedure now took a couple days :) finding the right place that the sensors are not influenced by vibrations power lines etc. Certainly not the easiest setup, but if it performs the way i have seen it on several videos now its worth it !

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Drone Enthusiast
morphsuite is in vienna. I just got news though that there could be something wrong with the board so i have to send it in for inspection. hmmm Doesn't really matter gonna take some more time anyways until i get the ALU arms for the TBS



I just got my AQ in the mail two days ago. Trying to find a good spot in the house where it will not be disturbed... sucks because I am near train tracks which causes some shaking every 30 mins or so.


Drone Enthusiast
I eventually preferred to use solid walls or the fireplace and used the following, also knowing there are not wires close by in the walls etc. Switch actually every electronically device on the house :)

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Foam in a case.
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and than i used silicon cubes and sheets to filter out some more. I think my ACC and Gyro logs were good the problem for me is more in the temps and the MAGs which has a different source than vibrations.

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I used an extended lipo cable. So when i put on or take off the lips I don't move the board. Than you don't have to cut the beginning and end of the logs if you have any glitches.

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These standard kitchen plastic cases are good, but i didn't get around using a plastic bag additionally. Using the plastic bag results in less air around the board thus less condensation can happen. Before I closed the bag airtight in the freezer i tried to get most air out of the bag. Additionally i also used this Gel Silicia or whatever its called to suck up any moisture.

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Eventually I cut a hole in the bag and let the power cable go through. Than air tighten it again with silicon. Having the cable come out of the opening in the bag doesn't let you get the bag air tight.

In you case with the train, hmmm its probably not going to be a easy task ;(. Try it out and dampen with whatever you have. If it doesn't work you have to look for a different spot



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Drone Enthusiast
Nope :( still waiting for my CNC guy if he doesnt deliver next week i have to find a new one ;(


Drone Enthusiast
Hi Jess,

can't say yet was a little set back, had to send a board back because of some strange temps reading of the gyros and the mags didn't do what they should have. Than a new one was send to me which was great instead of waiting for a repair. Unluckily the shipment took 2.5 weeks this time from germany :(. But it arrived and this weekend I will carry one with the calibration etc.

In the meantime I setup a XBee to Xbee connection and than breaking out to a bluetooth module in order to get my Nexus 7 to show telementy, which i think it very cool.

Than another set back the guy who should have done the arms for me needed ages to send out the estimation what thing will cost. Eventually he wants around 150 Euro per arm and i told him he can forget about it.

Instead I took things in my own hands and start to design and module the arms plus landing gear etc. Hope to get the final touches done on the weekend and send things of to another CNC guy.

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(edit) should have never started to with the Rhino feel like i should do the whole copter now :)


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Hi BorisS, very interesting project, this might be a dumb question, how are you going to attach two motors to each arm. I can not see a seperation between top and bottom mount to allow for screws (assuming you will use same size motors).
Regards - bruce


Drone Enthusiast
Hi Bruce i am sitting at it at the moment. First wanted to do the Arms in a traditional way without the coax mount option. I am just creating two plates that will allow to mount the motors to them and then sandwich in the standard arm. Will post later if my beta Rhino OSX version doesnt let me through my desktop out of the window any time soon :)


