I've got my S800 EVO on 2.3 and it's solid. Very happy with it.
You are correct that the update is just the FC for this one.
It really does sound like your GPS puck is faulty. When I flew last weekend I had a solid 12 sats for 4 flights. More than my crappy Phantom 2 could pick up anyway.
I am coming to that conclusion. BUT I have sent one off already to Build Your Own Drones back in March and still have not received one back as a replacement. Numerous phone calls, texts emails and support page requests NOTHING.
My biggest bloody grip is since last september I have been going on about this but I have had no real response from the dealer, DJI forum support, DJI Europe, to DJI China. DJI china did respond a couple of time promising to sort it and suggested bog standard and obvious amateurish suggestions to my issues but when I sent them the videos of just what was happening they disappeared. I read somewhere BladeStrike stopped supporting this site because of me. He has now posted videos of the light bridge working and is posting how.. Great. I fly professionally, I have to build safety cases, I have to comply with the CAA air navigation order and my own conscience. I have to fly safe. I use WKM on 5.20FC and it just works great, solid, and most importantly safe as far as safe can be categorised.
As far as I am concerned the A2 aint safe, Lightbridge is probably illegal in the UK and will almost certainly not comply with OFCOM regulations. I aint bothered about the LightBridge, its interesting but its of not for commercial applications in the UK. The 500m/400ft rule will apply if not get stricter, so in the uk save your money don't bother. with it. There are other options for HD downlinking.
I have reported my findings of the A2 as objectively as possible with frustration born out of lack of support and the obvious frustrations that brings, especially when I look at all the time I have invested in trying to sort it out..
Actions I have taken
Reported and filmed the whole story.
Reported my finding on here
Reported my finding to DJI China
Reported my Finding to DJI Europe
Reported my finding to the DJI dealer - Build Your Own Drones
Frustrated Yes.. totally pee'd off and fookin angry at the lack of response to all the above and the DJI support guys on here to constructively offer useful suggestions. Yes.
I really hope all you guys out there flying the A2 and Lightbridge, where it is legal have trouble free and safe flying.
The A2 flight control systems I have are not safe to fly. If thats because of the GPS puck then DJI please replace them. I will be trying once more tomorrow to contact Build Your Own Drones asking for a new replacement GPS Puck I returned to them back in march.
Soler has kindly offered to meet up and so I can try his GPS puck. If anyone wants to see pictures of my builds of the A2 machines go check the pictures I have posted in my albums, and forwarded to DJI. Soler has sort of made me realise what this forum is about. Helping. SO I will keep on this until its solved and the A2 machines I have convince me that they are safe and will comply with my responsibility to ensure any flight I carry out can be done safely and not endanger anyone.
Thanks Soler