Recent content by HexCam

  1. HexCam

    Zenmuse GH4 Owners thread

    Interesting thread chaps. Thanks, just read through the whole lot! I really hope the next Panasonic FW release sorts the 16:9 12MP thing. I have had the "white out" issue several times. Sometimes wire wiggling solves it, sometimes not. Today my gimbal dropped right about 10 degrees in flight for...
  2. HexCam

    BNUC-s vs. RPQ-s?

    I heard recently that they are on 6-8 weeks at the moment. Couldn't believe it but obviously that is correct. I would strongly suggest that people submit their renewals at least 2 months before they are due to ensure continuity otherwise you put yourself on very rocky ground with insurance etc...
  3. HexCam

    S900 Owner's Thread and Mini Build Log

    So Ben, did you receive the longer legs now to get your GH4 gimbal off the floor? The GH4 has arrived. just waiting for the S900 now. Looking forward to it!
  4. HexCam

    BNUC-s vs. RPQ-s?

    That's great to hear.
  5. HexCam

    Repairing gps...

    Yup either drill it out or buy a new one from eBay or GoodLuckbuy. As Bartman says, be very careful with the dust, it's nasty stuff.
  6. HexCam

    Repairing gps...

    They are sold on eBay for opening mobile phones. You may find that a micro flat head screwdriver will do it as well if they aren't too tight. As JoeBob says, it is a Torx head, but I can't remember what size! Something like this would have it...
  7. HexCam

    EASA Notice of Proposed Amendment

    This is posted in the UK Local Action Thread Hi In my role as UK Legislation Representative for ARPAS-UK I have been forwarded this link by the CAA which some of you may have already seen. Anybody living in the EU is entitled to submit their views by July 3rd 2014. The document outlines...
  8. HexCam

    BNUC-s vs. RPQ-s?

    Check here as some of the costs are optional. I think this is as some companies may wish to put their pilots through a flight test every year to make sure skills are current.
  9. HexCam

    BNUC-s vs. RPQ-s?

    You'll really enjoy it Gary. Drop in and say hello to Ben he's lonely for pilots to talk to and knows a rather nice pub for food and ale if you like that kind of thing!
  10. HexCam

    BNUC-s vs. RPQ-s?

    Morning all I got back from Kemble last night, having had a great time apart from a rainswept morning on Monday in an abortive attempt to get the test done quickly! However, yesterday dawned over a beautifully still, if slightly misty, Cotswolds and I completed the flight test. The staff who...
  11. HexCam

    BNUC-s vs. RPQ-s?

    Hi.One thing to make clear is that they are not accepting the ground school only a FULLY completed BNUC-s theory and flight test. So you can't chop and change between theory and flight test sides. I am actually retiring my original two machines now, but yes I would have to if I was keeping them...
  12. HexCam

    BNUC-s vs. RPQ-s?

    Hi Andrew. I am BNUC-s qualified at the moment on the machines I have used for the last couple of years but am putting my two new machines through the RPQ-s flight test on Monday. (Resource UAS are accepting a fully completed BNUC-s as an equivalent of their ground school, so I only have to do...
  13. HexCam

    Legal operators potentially needed for Switzerland and Italy

    Hi I have had a request from a Brazilian production company I work with who potentially need multirotor operators for work in Italy and Switzerland. As a UK operator I can find very little information about operation in those countries but if anyone knows any operators with permission for...
  14. HexCam

    Have you lost a hexacopter in Norfolk UK?

    Turns out it was a friend of a friend. He was flying a Naza V2 and had a flyaway. Very experienced pilot, first flyaway in 10 years!
  15. HexCam

    Have you lost a hexacopter in Norfolk UK?

    Good morning. The local BBC are running this today. Anybody had a hexacopter fly away in Wymondham, Norfolk, UK or recognise the build? Elliott