XAircraft X650v Tech help please?


Drone Enthusiast
Trust me, JingChen knows all of this! And like all of these companies, there is always something you did wrong that can be fixed VERY easily. It's like Dell customer service, "is your computer next to a fluorescent lamp?" "ok sir, that may be the reason why your harddrive stopped working."

My "value" 8 flew very well too for about 1 hour. Then when things went weird it was my fault for not aligning the shafts correctly, or I didnt put the motor leads to the ESC in flat enough in that tight little space where they rub against the motors shaft. I was asked to take out a carpenter's square and true everything up. At the end of the day, I am using the same Xaircraft controller in my large hex and it flies just fine. I have intentionally misaligned the arms and angles of the motors just as a test, and IT DOESNT MAKE A DIFFERENCE. The computer has no idea what it is flying. it just does whatever it can to keep things level. What it turned out to be was the hub of my props were breaking. Some of them didnt completely fly apart, they just cracked. Then a motor seized up on me. I could not even turn the motor with my hand it was so tight. I was smart enough to never get involved with GPS.

All in all, the xaircraft guys seem to have made a valiant effort to get things working and to clean the slate of their previous status. But it just doesnt seem to be within their capacity to do it. They must have way too much money in inventory to take a chance changing things. Still no addendum for all these piddly little things that EVERYONE asks every time they buy one. Still the same props with the awkward hub that no one wants to deal with. We all bought Xaircraft because it is the closest thing to a turn-key cheap unit out there. With the DJI making such a huge influence to the market, they are going to either have to lower their price to a fisher-price level or start meeting the demands of their customers. It's too expensive to be a toy and just not enough to be a tool.

OK so now I have 31 hours air time with the 650v4 I am no expert but it is my best guess that there is a fault with the AHRS either hardware or software I don't know but too many of us are having the same issues. I have adjusted my flying accordingly and the last 4 hours have been trouble free......
Take off in ATT hover no more than 1 minute
Switch to Normal mode (you may need to spend some time setting this up on your TX expos) enjoy flying, taking pictures or whatever you want to do with it!
If you need to scratch your nose switch back to hover but be careful and try not to use the sticks more than 30% whilst in hover. If things are going ok you can even try RTH but again be ready to switch back to Norm the second it starts to misbehave.
Its not a cure guys but it is a way to enjoy your investment whilst XA grind towards a fix!
For me the V4 has not misbehaved at all in Norm mode in fact I did 1.5 hrs gopro video in norm at the weekend. When I get some time I will post some on vimeo.

got my x650 back from geoff at quadcopters.co.uk today, Massive THANKS Geoff, he kindly setup my wkm fc, and what a difference there is, after the drifting issue i had i was very cautious about my first flight, 30 seconds later i was off down the road with it in the dark showing off!

cant wait to install my video gear for fpv


I have had a few problems this evening. While prepping the V8 for a flight tomorrow (since the weather will be great...it's been rainy here in Arkansas), I had a prop snap on me while doing some bench tests. With that I'm DOA until my Graupner's arrive. So the weak props are one issue (perhaps I tightened too much on one...but no more than the others...I was careful of that). The other issue I had was after I installed a replacement stock XA motor (that had been replaced very quickly by Jeff @ CNC), I notice again that the brand new motor does not spool up like the other 7. I'm beginnning to suspect its a bad ESC...who knows? Is this likely the cause?

Lastly, when I plugged everything up to the battery...the mount just flat out goes nuts. Each servo was doing it's own thing...rolling, pitching, and the shutter was doing the same thing. Not sure where to start on any of these.

MoneyHunster, Did you need to upgrade the ESC's or Motors for the WKM? Also can the WKM run the gimbal and all 8 ESC's? I have heard that it only has 8 outputs. How did you get around this problem?

I got a reply i will past it below. It seem to be acting pretty well. I keep having to go to normal mode to catch it when it runs off. But for the most part it is ok. Not safe to use near other people. I have been trying to buy a HoverFly Pro for the last week now but Ben at hoverFly has not shipped it yet. If he did not ship out on Tuesday i will call to cancel the order and go with a WKM.

The Z reading of accelerometer should be 1 if the copter sit on leveled table. 1.0 means 1G, that is 9.8m/s/s, all static things on earth will be effected by 1G.


On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 4:35 PM, Daniel Stagner <ccdanieldb@hotmail.com> wrote:

What about the yaw accelerometer being pegged out at 1.0 the entire time. If it is sitting still on my desk shouldn't it read near 0.

SSgt Stagner

On Nov 22, 2011, at 1:53 AM, XAircraft Support wrote:

Hi Daniel,
I just watched the video. It seems works properly.
Because there's no compass plugged in, so the slow drift on yaw is normal. But what i am worry about is, if the AHRS also has pitch/roll drift in other tests.
So this is my suggestion: do more test like your last video shows to confirm there's no pitch or roll drift on the 3D diagram. If there was, and calibration can't correct the pitch/roll problem, then send the AHRS back to us.


On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 3:49 PM, Daniel Stagner <ccdanieldb@hotmail.com> wrote:

Did the video in the last email give you the information you need to tell if it is a hardware or software problem. Do you still need me to mail in my AHRS. Please let me know.

Daniel Stagner

On Nov 19, 2011, at 12:34 PM, Daniel Stagner wrote:


OK. its the pitch and roll that is giving me problems. good to know about the z axis @ 1.
I managed to get hold of Jingchen through Mark, one of the UK vendors. He said my trace looked normal but I dont think he noticed the drift in pitch and roll. Just waiting for a reply to my pointing this out.
Good to see some support though, feeling a little more comfortable about my purchase and being able to get it working.
Certainly want to get some use out of the XA FC before upgrading. to be honest when I've had it flying before the drift kicks it feels great and the XA 2x cam mount works great with the FC, very smooth responsive compensation.


Here is a video of an issue I'm having with the x650 V8, please watch...I'm needing some help here:

<a href="http://youtu.be/9X0ntiJlFMQ" target="_blank">

Working through the setup of the craft I've run into some issues with the left rear boom (both top and bottom motors and ESC's). Having already replaced the lower left motor due to an e-clip coming loose from the upper left motor and lodging in the can of the lower motor, I've replaced that motor with a new one. I'm still having issues mainly on the lower left rear, although the top left rear seems to be operating poorly as well. Also, over on the lower right rear I've had the burnt mosfet on the ESC show up. I will heat shrink these tonight and test again to see if the motor pin is indeed coming into contact with the ESC wiring, perhaps causing a short. At around 1:25 you'll hear a series of rev ups firing (I promise I didn't touch the throttle)...not clear what this is.

As always, any help is greatly appreciated! I've only had two successful flights with the craft so far, awaiting some replacement props (as well as some Graupners from Andy with AerialQuads.com). Looking to get this thing airborne again, but running into little issues here and there.

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New Member
Hi Ryan, I am Jingchen.
The motor is not acting right. Please have a check on the wiring between ESC and motor, and also the connector.

Since I am not quite often on all the forums, you can mail to me: support@xaircraft.com.

PS, do not use too much throttle testing the motor when the motor spins not properly. When motor spins improperly, there might be a short circuit that will hurt/burn the ESC.

Here is a video of an issue I'm having with the x650 V8, please watch...I'm needing some help here:

<a href="http://youtu.be/9X0ntiJlFMQ" target="_blank">

Working through the setup of the craft I've run into some issues with the left rear boom (both top and bottom motors and ESC's). Having already replaced the lower left motor due to an e-clip coming loose from the upper left motor and lodging in the can of the lower motor, I've replaced that motor with a new one. I'm still having issues mainly on the lower left rear, although the top left rear seems to be operating poorly as well. Also, over on the lower right rear I've had the burnt mosfet on the ESC show up. I will heat shrink these tonight and test again to see if the motor pin is indeed coming into contact with the ESC wiring, perhaps causing a short. At around 1:25 you'll hear a series of rev ups firing (I promise I didn't touch the throttle)...not clear what this is.

As always, any help is greatly appreciated! I've only had two successful flights with the craft so far, awaiting some replacement props (as well as some Graupners from Andy with AerialQuads.com). Looking to get this thing airborne again, but running into little issues here and there.

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Have you cross connected these ESC's, at the FC,with 2 known good ones to see if the fault transfers?


I disassembled the boom last night, checked all connections, heat-shrinked the connections to the motors (there was a good bit of chaffing happening on the wiring). After taking care of this everything seems like it's working okay. Will report back if the issue continues. I wish they would have made the area where the wiring runs under the motor just a tad larger. I may add some spacers/washers under the mounting plates to give them some breathing room. The wiring is also getting pinched from the motor screws on the underside of the plate.


Here's a good reason why you should protect your wiring under the motors with heat shrink. Mine were pretty pinched and rubbed (by the mounting screws and the bottom pin of the motor). I'm gonna try putting some #6 nylon washers (they're 1/16" thick) in between the arm mount and the mounting plates to see if that gives enough breathing room to try and avoid the tight quarters in there...should amount to about 1/8" more clearance on the underside. Will test over the next day or so.

Let me know if this is a terrible idea :)

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Got back home today after a couple of weeks away working. Loaded firmware v1.23 into my AHRS which was previously giving drifting pitch and roll values, Seems to have sorted it out, successful test flight today. Just the BEC to arrive now for the gimbal and should be good to go.


Active Member
Not sure if everyone has seen, but there has been some movement with the new firmware. They have a beta release out for the "P" owners and it should be moved to a regular release for all users sometime next week. Let's keep our fingers crossed that it actually does what it's advertised to do this time.


Xaircraft X650 V8 on octoframe, crash

Hello, I read this thread and is exactly what happend to me, I was tired of drifting, I had the X650 V4 and then upgraded to V8, I flew ones with correct function of the compass and heading hold, then, dont works any more, so I decided to change frame, because of my video that was so shaky. I put all electronics in this octoframe, seems pretty cool, in flight test, flew, very nice, but then I go out side in the park and then happens, after a smooth flight, suddenly I lost control of my octocopter and crash it. I felt bad, because I could not do anything, I had no control. I think that prefer to go with KK, seems stable.


Have I missed something? Is their a new Xaircraft GPS and autopilot out soon? If so anyone know when? Jingchen? Am waiting for my X8 to arrive but have now clocked up 10+ trouble free flying hours on the X4 switching to norm when AHRS has a fit and regular reinstall of firmware. Can't stop my pilot lamp beeping though any ideas welcome?


Active Member
If you really want to get caught up, check the x650 thread over at RCG. It's well over a 1000 pages of posts, but if you skip to the end you will be caught up with what's going on. Way to much info to try and keep it in multiple spots.

Not trying to get you to go to another forum, just trying to make sure you are up to speed with what's going on with your craft.
