What currents drawn by stock F450?


I wonder if anyone can give an idea of the currents drawn by a stock F450 NAZA with GPS (no other features)?

I've got following batteries in use, thinking to use them with F450 as well.
- 4s 3700mAh
- 3s 2200mAh (has the typical MPX connector, hence the question about currents)



there is no standard current as everything in your setup affects the amp draw on the batteries. props, motors, esc's
the best bet is to get a data logger if there is that kind of concern.


Drone Enthusiast
I wonder if anyone can give an idea of the currents drawn by a stock F450 NAZA with GPS (no other features)?

I've got following batteries in use, thinking to use them with F450 as well.
- 4s 3700mAh
- 3s 2200mAh (has the typical MPX connector, hence the question about currents)


Aye Up Dirk..
i load mine with two parallel 2200 3cell batts and a 3d goPro with no problems using Deans. I aint checked amp draw but been flying it for about 8 months no mither



I fly my Witespy DJI F450 Flamewheel with all stock DJI parts except the props, which are Graupner 10x5".
I also usually carry a GoPro HD2 camera without the clear housing.
I power everything with 3S 2200 lipos.
My hovering current draw is right at about 16A.
I get somewhere between 6 1/2 to 8 minutes flying time before hitting 10.5V.
Hope this helps.


Since ALL my flying is slow because of the video shooting, I'm perfectly content with the 3S packs. Like I said, I can get UP TO 8 minutes but usually land at about 6, just to be on the safe side. I also have a couple of 3S 4000 packs for longer flight times. These 4000s give me about 15 minutes. I've never figured out why a pack that that has only 80% more capacity than the 2200's size provides 100% longer fly times.??
I like it though.


Aerial DP
I've rarely seen over 40 amps in atti, 60 in manual............ 4s 9" and 3s 10" are about identicle draws, 10" on 4s doesn't draw a whole lot more unless manual and full throttle. Atti is like a governor, it keeps some reserve for the other props the whole time the algorythm is running and it reall holds back the gear. manual, that's another story.


Thanks for all the prompt responses.

I think I may need to clarify my question (which has been answered). My concern related to the required battery connector, not the flight duration and/or battery power. The connector on my smaller battery pack is only rated for 35A, which is apparently too low. Therefore I'll be using my 4s packs, don't think the F450 will stress the 4mm plugs ;)
