Tiger-Motors U8 + 28x9,2 props



Currently I am doing a build of a copter based on the Tiger-Motors U8 with 100KV and the Tiger-Motors 28x9,2 props. So I did a first run of motor and prop on a test bench and find the results quite nice:
Unfortunately the ESC is quite heavy (80gr) compared to the other components (motors about 250gr and props 90gr).


Here a video of the run:

best regards
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if you mount everything on a frame it looks like this:

best regards
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That is awesome, just like everything else you build, Ferdinand. I was wondering when we'd see someone put together a rig with these motors and props - not surprised that you're the first.

So, the reason to go this route is efficiency and lifting capability I assume? Do you see much of a benefit of this setup over say a large octo?

All the best,


First of all I want to see if I can extend my flight-time record (95min), which should be possible, but not with that frame and ESCs which are much too heavy. For heavy lifting this is just a prototype, I am planning an X8 with 30mm Carbon tubes for that which is towards 8kg payload for 20-30min flying time. The first round could end with an X16, and then let´s see what motors and props are available then, and if they are sufficient to lift --- me. (not only for just a few minutes).

best regards


All I can say is damn those are huge props. I am curious to see what kind of endurance you get from that combination on a lighter frame.


First of all I want to see if I can extend my flight-time record (95min), which should be possible, but not with that frame and ESCs which are much too heavy. For heavy lifting this is just a prototype, I am planning an X8 with 30mm Carbon tubes for that which is towards 8kg payload for 20-30min flying time. The first round could end with an X16, and then let´s see what motors and props are available then, and if they are sufficient to lift --- me. (not only for just a few minutes).

best regards

Been there, done that, I cant say more but we will post something soon so stay tuned.


Very interested to hear more. Currently we are trying to construct a long range MR for mapping work. We've tried our DJI S800, but at 15 min it's a joke. Of course it's lifting a Zen gimbal which isn't needed, but not very efficient all the same. Was considering the new Foxtech
W61-35 kv330 motors, 18x5 props mounted to a 950 Carbon Core Quad. Maybe even ditching the ginbal all together with a light Sony NEX5n. We've got a ton of 8ah 6s packs, so we'd use two of those as well. Tell us more lol! BTW, I was also considering the U8 as well, but considering the max 1kg payload it seemed overkill. Just trying to cover as large an area as possible. That way we could retire the fixed wing.

Been there, done that, I cant say more but we will post something soon so stay tuned.



What frame are you using Lanzar? Do you sell it through your shop? Is it a custom frame you guys have designed?
Also i have noticed on your most recent builds you have switched to rectangular arms. Why? Are they stronger/stiffer?

I am about to also build one of these using the similar motors and props and certainly interested in any more info you can provide.
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What frame are you using Lanzar? Do you sell it through your shop? Is it a custom frame you guys have designed?
Also i have noticed on your most recent builds you have switched to rectangular arms. Why? Are they stronger/stiffer?

I am about to also build one of these using the similar motors and props and certainly interested in any more info you can provide.

Yes it is our frame which was build for big birsd. Its made to be a working horse and build with experience so it is stiff, robust, can be folded (semi). Antivib adapter on bottom and easy release for the gimball.
We will present 4 new RTF kopters and this one will be one off them. We have changed a lot off thing so we will get the best flying time possible. I cant release spec since we have spent too much money on getting this right and we dont want others to copy us (as they did before) too fast.
small previe off the frame in different release version:

Frame will probably not be sold in shop but only in rtf package but we have not decided yet 100%. Maybe we will put it to market also.


Here my version of an X8, foldable and on the lightweight side:





AUW is 9,5kg with 1,9kg battery and 2kg payload (zenmuse), flighttime is 30min.

best regards
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Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
What gains are you using for this and are you using the ESC brake. I have tried a quad using these motors and props but it just wouldn't fly and kept loosing control as if the gains were way out. It was as if the blades being the size they were were carrying too much energy and thus needed a bit of breaking so that they would slow down quickly enough for the WKG to react properly. I tired low medium and high gains but to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated.


On that copter I am flying right now 300 300 150 180 80 80, but it also flies with 200 200 150 180 80 80 as well as 400 400 150 180 80 80. I am using the Hobbywing 70A HV out of the box, they have no braking feature, also the brake is disabled. From my point of view this copter flies just similar to my other copter with smaller props. Until now I have sucessfully used hobbywing platinum 40A, 30A and hobbywing HV 70A, 80A (for more than 6S). (The Tunergy K-Force and the RcTigerMotors ECSs are the same as the Hobbywing).

best regards


On that copter I am flying right now 300 300 150 180 80 80, but it also flies with 200 200 150 180 80 80 as well as 400 400 150 180 80 80. I am using the Hobbywing 70A HV out of the box, they have no braking feature, also the brake is disabled. From my point of view this copter flies just similar to my other copter with smaller props. Until now I have sucessfully used hobbywing platinum 40A, 30A and hobbywing HV 70A, 80A (for more than 6S). (The Tunergy K-Force and the RcTigerMotors ECSs are the same as the Hobbywing).

best regards

Hi Ferdinand,

Did you reflash the hobbywing 70A and what setting are you using with these?
I noticed that there is a huge recall on the RCTiger ESC's and wondered if they were using the HW firmware or something they modified themselves?
Looking forward to more info on the testing as it evolves.
