XAircraft Stella Gimbal

Unfortunately with PPM you can not have full functionality as you would have with s-bus

Thank you very much! After several hours of piddling around I pretty much came to that conclusion . I've gotten away with it before on some flight controllers, Etc but it looks like the code was written for S-Bus & S-bus only...

Thanks again. For verifying that.

It's a shame too because I went out and purchased the FRSKY L9R which is 12 ch on the S-bus but after tossing it around in my head for awhile I decided I will never fly 2.4 control link with my spendy platforms.

Besides that I prefer flying 2.4 video.
Good day sir


Thank you very much! After several hours of piddling around I pretty much came to that conclusion . I've gotten away with it before on some flight controllers, Etc but it looks like the code was written for S-Bus & S-bus only...

Thanks again. For verifying that.

It's a shame too because I went out and purchased the FRSKY L9R which is 12 ch on the S-bus but after tossing it around in my head for awhile I decided I will never fly 2.4 control link with my spendy platforms.

Besides that I prefer flying 2.4 video.
Good day sir
Give it a second thought though. S-bus means less cables a more tidy platform and less single points of failure. Good day to too.

Yes but where I live I've had several 2.4 failures , strange anomalies & when I switched over to 433 (PPM stream) I can honestly say I've never had a single glitch.

Thank you
