Mikrokopter Position Hold.


My MK holds position quite well in calm weather. Today with a nice hot humid breeze it didn't do to well.
Basically it got blown back 3 feet, angled into the wind, moved a foot forward, the moved back 3 feet, angled into the wind, moved a foot forward, etc.... Playing with GPS gain didn't help, it just ocillated more.

Any plans of action on how should I go about tweaking the settings to hold better would be greatly appreciated? Thanks.


Drone Enthusiast
Ill be interested in that to.. As its been windy here for about three weeks Ive beed flumuxed but I guess its just the wind pressure alteing the barometer, have you got a piece of foam over the little hole thingy?



No I don't have the foam but wouldn't that have more to do with holding altitude which is was doing rather well? It's not fighting the wind enough.


Active Member
Whatever the met report says at ground level, always add 50% for altitude. I find www.xcweather.co.uk very accurate & I have a pocket wind speed indicator as well to back up what I've seen. It's worth noting down wind speeds so that you know your limits as well as the aircrafts.
