Picloc 3x setting experience etc.


Hello George,

Unfortunately I still get no response from you.
Even after the three e-mail.
We've (A friend of mine) ordered from you last week for another 2 Picloc X3, as you have now answered in 30 minutes. Since the response and the bill came very quickly.

I find something funny.


What do I do now, so that you my problem with the X3 Picloc answer?
I think it's not good, so what I ask in a public forum must, but otherwise I will not get a response from you



I think its better for you if you fill in your site with a better manual and a problem solutions guide, so you dont need to repeat yourself every time ;)





Hi George,

Ok, you're right. There is an e mail on 24/01 arrived. Sorry
Unfortunately this was lost in the spam folder. For whatever reason?
Probably because ... @ hotmail.com

Everything will be fine.

I now send you the pictures of the Picloc.
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@ holco....if only I had the time !!

@ multihexa.....LOL.....24th February arrived ;)

again @ holco....Ok.. I try to see what I can do.


Can anybody recommend a good small digital servo for the AV 130 Pan axis?? the 360 kit comes with a hitec servo that im 99% sure is not digital, and looks like picloc don't like it.....

im trying to find a digital servo with same characteristics in size to fit in the AV 130....

Any suggestions?

thanks !!!!



Why not save settings Picloc 3x for the program PiclocToolz-3X v0.55 as the program PiclocToolz v0.8.0.1 for Picloc version for TR?
Or I overlooked something?
It is a useful feature

Thanks for the explanation


@ George:
I would love to sent you the 35 MHZ - audio test, but I already rebuilt my MX-12 to 2,4 GHZ. Now it works fine... Thanks!


Yes... very useful.

The reason why it's not there, is because I discovered some bugs with saving the files while the Picloc connection was ongoing.
I will try my hardest to include this feature for saving/loading different setups in next update v0.56.
Thanks for your remark, Peter !


@Daniel .. My AV130 is without Pan, and therefore can't help you there. Perhaps someone else with Pan enabled AV130 can chime in.
What about using the servo that is on the ROLL axis right now for PAN duties, while changing the ROLL axis servo to a very fast one like.. say .. an HV-747, or Spektrum H6040 at 6v ?
Would need some slight hacking of the frame with a file, but the result when you have bigger/faster servos on the AV130 is really nice.


thanks George...i ve been testing the picloc on my av 130, and the roll works good, but the tilt is really bad, too much vibration , jitter, etc.....jello effect and roll shutter in camera...
when i connect only tilt to the MK flight control, i have a better and smooth tilt....
for sure i have to play more with the proportional/acceleration settings.....

have you try any of those servos that you recommend in the tilt axis???
i have the servo settings at 333Hz insead of 400hz in the picloc toolz...

Any advice for smooth operation ???

thanks george, Picloc is really accurate,.....im almost there.....!!!! need to be smooth!


OK... I notice now, that this is becoming an issue for at least 3 users of Picloc. Last evening I had a call with a guy who reported that while still the Tilt axis is OK, but when flying, the tilt goes up and down a little bit.
I noticed this a little in Holco's first videos... when flying inside.

I will see to this issue, and suggest a solution soon. Thanks. George


Can somebody post pictures of the settings on the picloc. I am getting bad results with it. Pan is realy bad, especialy when using sticks to rotate. High speed is semi good, slow speed is crap. I get vibration, jitter on mount. 7v UBEC . Tilt and roll are better but still not perfect.
So i would like some pictures of your settings so i can compare and try to make some changes since my is not working as intended. Mount is av200 with roll upgrade i think.


The MKS-787 has arrived and are build in the AV-130 mount.

The previously installed Futaba BLS-451 servo's where rock solid and quiet death in idle.

As you can see in the video's I am not so happy about the results, ok they
are lighting fast but without accuracy they are imo useless.​

In the first video you can see how I setup the gain, when I tilt the copter the laser must be
staying in the same place, distance is 5 meter.

The other 4 video's is all in idle with no input.

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Hi Holco,

Thanks for the detailed video, remarking the stepping of the HV-787 servos. Probably it's not their fault. In my opinion they are really accurate, and respond to the littlest change in command...( which is what we want after all !).
Most probably, the BLS-451's have a much wider deadband before they start doing something.... that's why they're silent and remain still.

Please check whether the Servo display in your PiclocToolz is also displaying a small change in the output signal... eg 1500us->1504us->1496uS etc etc.
I will be building a (user adjustable) filter on the servo outputs to take care of this, or will double check my algorithms to make sure there are no bugs.

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@Lanzar : I do not have the roll upgrade on my AV200, so cannot give you my settings as they won't make sense.

But I will offer my support to your setting up of your mount. Preferably by Skype ( I hate typing ;)

In next Toolz, you will have the possibility of saving and loading different setups, so that we can share PiclocSetupFiles. File extension will be ***.p3x
This will replace the Buttons on the left side of the Options Tab, which till now had no use, and was a wrong decision on my side to try make fixed setups.
Loading a published known configuration file, is much more flexible.

Thanks !!

