Mikrokopter MK octo


Active Member
OK guys, I'm in the process of setting up the ESC's etc & need to know what motor is what number? I am using a FC 2.1ME with I2C-PWM by timecop & this is all on a Droidworx SJ8.
Looking from above, droindworx have a notch in the main hub indictaing forward. If I have this correctly, the arm to the right of that notch is motor No.2 & so on until we get back to the notch & to the left is motor No.8???

I'm going to set each of the ESC's to the following

Nimh (not lipo)
Normal start
Mid timing
brake off



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I'd recommend you start with High timing. I saw much better battery life and better stability when I went from Mid to High
In the motor mixer tab of MKTool, when you load the Okto format it will present a diagram showing motor numbers. I think you want Okto1 if you're going to have a motor left and right of dead ahead.


Active Member
OK Bart, thanks again for the input, it's very much appreciated.
I went with your suggestions & choose timing high. Now here is the bag of bits I still have left to use.

1 x FC2.1ME
1x spektrum diversity (with 3 x spektrum satellites)
1 x MK USB board

I know each ESC has its own 5v output, so I will disconnect 7 of them & leave just the one running. What my next part of this mind bogging equation?? Programming the FC board? I have been to microkopters website but cant find the programe to run on my computer to use the MKUSB or where the firmware is...any clues Bart?

Thanks again mate


Drone Enthusiast
@ Ross.. you dont need a special program just the MK tool.. WhichMK tool depends on what you boards firmware is. How long have you had your FC.



Active Member
@ Ross.. you dont need a special program just the MK tool.. WhichMK tool depends on what you boards firmware is. How long have you had your FC.


I bought it about 2 months ago from Geoff at quadcopters if thats any help.
Also whats the max power I can run the FC on? I will be using 4S lipos?


Drone Enthusiast
4 cell is fine.. down load 0.74 from MK website and plug it in and see what is on the board.. If it says 0.84 its good to go but if the FC firmware is 0.86 then get the 0.76 MKtool..



Active Member
Nice one Dave, so I take it you mean "Kopter_Tool_V1_74a.zip" & there is also "Kopter_Tool_V1_74b.zip" from here:-
http://svn.mikrokopter.de/listing.php?repname=FlightCtrl&path=/MikroKopter-Tool/ I see they also have version 1.76, so I'm wondering why the older version?
At the moment I will be flying manual so I dont have navi or gps, don't know if that makes any difference to what firmware I use....how about the MKUSB, what do I need for that to work correctly as I have seensomething about "VCP-Driver"?



Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
continuing our earlier conversation, how far along is your build? Is the FC on the frame yet? Hooked up with power from the battery harness yet?
if not, just hook up the FC to the MKusb before plugging the USB cable into the computer and put the jumper in place over the two prongs, then plug the other end into the computer. DON'T EVER HAVE THE JUMPER IN PLACE AND THE BATTERY HOOKED UP SIMULTANEOUSLY. If your FC is already hooked up to your power harness then just hook up the MKUSB to the FC before plugging it into the computer, attach battery power (make sure the jumper isn't in place), plug the USB cable into the computer, and then run MKTool.
With power to the FC, click to run MKTool. If the MKtool version and the FC firmware are compatible then MKTool will open up with a message of No errors and you'll see all of the features of MKTool displayed. If the two versions aren't compatible then, hmmmmm.....i don't quite remember what will show up but I've seen it and it won't look right....how's that for free advice!!??
I'm just heading out for the day but I'll check in later. FWIW, if you have an older firmware version on your FC I'd just leave it and get the heli flying unless it's a very old version but I doubt Geoff would have any older boards in his stock.


Active Member
continuing our earlier conversation, how far along is your build? Is the FC on the frame yet? Hooked up with power from the battery harness yet?
if not, just hook up the FC to the MKusb before plugging the USB cable into the computer and put the jumper in place over the two prongs, then plug the other end into the computer. DON'T EVER HAVE THE JUMPER IN PLACE AND THE BATTERY HOOKED UP SIMULTANEOUSLY. If your FC is already hooked up to your power harness then just hook up the MKUSB to the FC before plugging it into the computer, attach battery power (make sure the jumper isn't in place), plug the USB cable into the computer, and then run MKTool.
With power to the FC, click to run MKTool. If the MKtool version and the FC firmware are compatible then MKTool will open up with a message of No errors and you'll see all of the features of MKTool displayed. If the two versions aren't compatible then, hmmmmm.....i don't quite remember what will show up but I've seen it and it won't look right....how's that for free advice!!??
I'm just heading out for the day but I'll check in later. FWIW, if you have an older firmware version on your FC I'd just leave it and get the heli flying unless it's a very old version but I doubt Geoff would have any older boards in his stock.

thanks Bart here's what I've doen so far since your PM.
I have NOT attached the FC to any power supply its sat here on the desk connect direct to the MKUSB (jumper is on). I can run mktools & it sees the board even the scope trace thing works. I have no receiver connected as well...just the bare FC & MKUSB. It did say ver 0.84 if that helps?
Red & green LED's on the FC board flashign like hell & the speaker is squeaking like its drawign its terminal breath :) :)



OK Bart, thanks again for the input, it's very much appreciated.
I went with your suggestions & choose timing high. Now here is the bag of bits I still have left to use.

1 x FC2.1ME
1x spektrum diversity (with 3 x spektrum satellites)
1 x MK USB board

I know each ESC has its own 5v output, so I will disconnect 7 of them & leave just the one running. What my next part of this mind bogging equation?? Programming the FC board? I have been to microkopters website but cant find the programe to run on my computer to use the MKUSB or where the firmware is...any clues Bart?

Thanks again mate

Ross, Are you meaning that you are using the 5v from one of the ESC's to power the PPM converter board? If so I wouldn't recommend it, if that ESC goes down for some reason your whole Octo is going down. I have the same converter board and powering it from the FC.



Active Member
Ross, Are you meaning that you are using the 5v from one of the ESC's to power the PPM converter board? If so I wouldn't recommend it, if that ESC goes down for some reason your whole Octo is going down. I have the same converter board and powering it from the FC.


Hi Craig

No I'm using 5v from the MKUSB to try & sort out my FC board.The FC board is NOT mounted on my octo yet. I was going to leave one ESC with the BEC output but are you saying to use a 5V output from the FC board to power my I2C-PWM board?
As you see I'm very confused here. I need to get my spektrum diversity board setup so that I can run 3 satellite receivers but Im not sure what I should do next?



Hi Ross,

Yep, Thats what I did anyway - used the 5v from the FC. When using standard ESC's I've also find that you can't use the jumper to power the boards IF you have the ESC's plugged in, there is not enough power, I always remove the props if I need the ESC's connected and power with a battery or if working only on the boards you can just disconnect the ESC's from the FC.



Active Member
Craig to the rescue again; thanks mate it's appreciated. May I ask what you are flying & what setup you are using? Im a nosey sod :)



Active Member
Hey Ross,

No worries,

I have an X8 using 30amp Plush and TC's PPM converter board.


Craig you're a top man. Sound's quite similar to mine. Droidworx SJ8 with 60A turnigy ESC's MK FC board (no navi or gps as yet) & TC's PPM board.
I have 2820/07 motors mounted & the ESC's...all connected to my home made power distribution board. I connected the TC PPM today just got to connect a 4S lipo & bind plug to get them all sorted. Then its make a start on the FC board + spektrum diversity (3 x satellites).
Have you any video or photos of your ship?





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Active Member
nice & simple I see Craig :)
I made a full size coard from bare PCB bought from maplins. I drew 5 circles with a compass & now have a circular positive & negative rail & all ESC's are soldered direct. Here's a photo taken 2 mins ago:-

View attachment 1550

Where are you to Craig?



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Active Member
SUCCESS...all connected, all working as should be...now I'm wondering on radio setup (DX7) & the actual FC setup.
im sat at the kitchen table, notebook in front & motors everywhere in sight :)
Spektrum diversity working fine, all 3 satellites have solid orange LEDS illuminated...FC board has a steady green & set for octo (at last).
So what is my next course of action here gents....after all the initial confusion (all self made of course)?



Hey Ross,

Sounds like you are just about there!!

Make sure all your props are OFF until you are sure everything is working as it should.

I just thought of something. If you are powering the converter board from the FC that same as me, I HIGHLY reccommend that you glue this to the FC. Also make sure the C&D lines can't come loose. I cut myself up pretty bad recently when the converter power plug to the FC came loose when doing the ACC calibration and when I pushed it back on it started up full throttle. I have now used a dab of hot-glue and glued the servo plug to the FC board so this won't happen. which I highly reccommend you do the same. TC said he would change the firmware so this can't happen, but I will now always glue it on now.

I would probably upgrade to the .86 firmware if this is what you want to use. Run it through .74b MKTools until you have upgrade the boards, then you will need 0.76 MKTools.
Then you first need to set up all the channels and switches and make sure you have full throw each way and that they sit at 127 when centred.

This is the start anyway

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