MōVI shipping


Heli's & Tele's bloke
Well is it, or isn't it?

It was supposed to have started shipping two weeks ago. Anybody heard anything?

Is there any substance to the rumour that delays have been caused by the BL motor supplier who backed out?


Active Member
Judging by the ammount of replys, it looks like there were not too many pre-orders on the MöVI, otherwise people would go berzerk on the forums already.....

BTW.....I was playing a little bit with my new Colibri last night ( https://vimeo.com/70949960 ) ......poor guys who ordered the MöVI

The wife said I should get that stupid grin out of my face...... :tennis:

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Aerial DP
I know of 6 waiting..... none of them hang here..... they all work, hence having money for a movi, hahaha


Drone Enthusiast
Its to late.. and at the price point I doubt if it will sell especially when the stuff I have seen is announced. AND it will be on time and at a far better price point. I do wonder how the peeps that have pre-paid a deposit will fair.

Ho hum.. so I guess its best to announce and release the same day rather than give everyone else with better manufacturing timelines the nod on what you are doing.

Time will tell.. just glad I did not have that kind of money to throw at a product everyone wanted but still has not materialised.. Its been hyped beyond belief but the proof is in the pudding so to speak.



Heli's & Tele's bloke
Its to late.. and at the price point I doubt if it will sell ....

That's what I reckon. Not only did Freefly alert the competition by firing the starting gun at the NAB, but they may well have done so before the gun was raised and shot themselves in the foot with a premature announcement. But if shipping has been delayed by technical problems then Freefly is in no worse position than DEFY and BeSteady who are also big on promises and weak on substance.

What are the other alternatives that you have seen announced - other than the DEFY, BeSteady and now the Colibri?

Who the hell started this Pre-Order habit anyway? It is a nonsense that seems to have become accepted as quite normal. Was that bleeding DJI again?


That's what I reckon. Not only did Freefly alert the competition by firing the starting gun at the NAB, but they may well have done so before the gun was raised and shot themselves in the foot with a premature announcement. But if shipping has been delayed by technical problems then Freefly is in no worse position than DEFY and BeSteady who are also big on promises and weak on substance.

What are the other alternatives that you have seen announced - other than the DEFY, BeSteady and now the Colibri?

Who the hell started this Pre-Order habit anyway? It is a nonsense that seems to have become accepted as quite normal. Was that bleeding DJI again?

I am curious, how has Relentless made promises on their DEFY gimbals and haven't delivered? I am about to pull the trigger on them and get either the G2 or the G5 and you can order either one right now and receive it within a few weeks. A multirotor business in California just bought the DEFY G2 and they love it. Do you know of anyone with bad experiences? I passed on the BeSteady gimbal because they are too far behind everyone else as far as manufacturing goes.


Heli's & Tele's bloke
I was unaware that the Defy products are actually available to buy because the front page of their website just shows the Defy G5 is available to pre-order, with no other links. It says nothing about available now. But, if it is actually out on the streets then good for them. They have beaten Freefly to the punch.

Obviously I don't know anyone who has a Defy a MōVI or anything else. Hence this thread.


Drone Enthusiast
What are the other alternatives that you have seen announced - other than the DEFY, BeSteady and now the Colibri?

Cant say right now but when it is announced it will be ready to ship..



Active Member
That Colibri is a sweet looking gimbal, how heavy is it?

There is a thread where you can see the the weight.....http://www.multirotorforums.com/showthread.php?12661-MOVI-on-over&highlight=movi

I actually discovered the Colibri in that thread (thanks to IrisAerial) and had to get one......

I picked it up on weekend and had some really great time with Dieter from Photokopter and another member from the forum.....playing around with the Colibri makes me believe that is was the right choice for me. Apart from the performance, this gimbal is a piece of art.....
Picking the Colibri up personally was somehow like buying milk directly from the farm and not from the super market....

The big potential I see for this kind of gimbal is not so much as a copter gimbal, but as a device for ground shots as well, and following the Freefly advertising they clearly aim for the pro's in the movie industry and the MöVI to be used on hand-held rigs. That's where the big money is, and not on a few Multirotors, where there isn't even a decent monthly magazin for Multirotors. The trouble I see will come when they finally ship the MöVI and don't have a first-class cusomer support.....cutomers in the movie industry will think: great....any camera, any lens, wow....I just have to bolt any camera to the rig and I am ready to shoot.....which is not the case. Any gimbal, regardless where it's coming from, needs to be balanced and have it's software set precisely......and I am not sure if this will be an easy task on the MöVI with it's flimsy design and just one small motor for the tilt axis.....we will see

I would have bitten my *** if I ordered the MöVI and only found out later about the Colibri........https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?...726.1073741835.269258786436392&type=1&theater



I'm far more interested in the Colibri. To be honest haven't seen a definitive gimbal that can reliably do 5D3 with decent glass and Up. Most of these brushless to date seem to be right on the edge of can or cannot at this weight. Still using the AV200 for the heavier cameras (grr) and waiting to see who definitively wins this one.


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
Chris, how heavy is your gimbal? I see on the website that 1900g is mentioned so how close is yours to that in a fit to fly state ie with batteries, downlink on etc- but not the camera? Many thanks.

Str8 Up

At this stage of the game it is just about impossible to make an apples to apples intelligent comparison of capabiliites/limitations between the few serious gimbals available for "pre-order".
