I did a News Interview this morning, Video


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was it the studio's idea for you to fly it five feet from the news guy's face or did you suggest that? :dejection:

nobody knows the dangers of this and how accidents can happen to someones face, more then me. I just have 100% complete confidence in my skills and 99%confidence in my equipment. Was it something that i recommend, no but it was something that was capable of doing.

I did just turn down a feature film in India that wanted me to fly my heavy lift with epic over a crowd of 3000people during a simulated concert. So I wont to some things


I enjoyed watching that, good job. Nice to see something positive about UAVs. Nice flying, wish I could get my rigs that stable and reliable.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
nobody knows the dangers of this and how accidents can happen to someones face, more then me. I just have 100% complete confidence in my skills and 99%confidence in my equipment. Was it something that i recommend, no but it was something that was capable of doing.

I did just turn down a feature film in India that wanted me to fly my heavy lift with epic over a crowd of 3000people during a simulated concert. So I wont to some things


Good for you for getting the exposure, I'm happy for you but every guy that ever crashed had 100% confidence in the moments leading up to the crash. We're pilots, confidence is our thing. My Dad put it in my head early on though that you can lose everything in a moment if you're not careful.....house, business, life and that news guy's face was too close to those propellers.

The guy that just about chopped off his own head with an RC heli probably would have said the same thing you did before the flight that killed him. a guy I know brought his WKM heli cross country for a big shoot and then drilled it into a wall on the first flight, he was 100% confident also. imagine the outcome if the heli did something unexpected and hit the guy, what would you be saying and what would you have done differently if you could do it again? airlines have such high safety records because the pilots are constantly reviewing events and modifying procedures and we're also 100% confident in ourselves and our machines.

i hate to be the granny in the crowd but we've got to talk about this stuff or the next guy will try what you did and won't be as lucky to pull it off. that won't be good for my business or yours.

Have a safe flying season.

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Aerial Fun
Hello All,

Im always nervous about doing news interviews, especially ones that are live but the one from this morning was a little different, flying inside the studio :eek: :censored:

here is the video from the interview http://kwgn.com/2014/03/20/the-art-of-flying-drones/View attachment 20913

Nice positive PR. Congrats...

Just checked out your website. Lots of MR's... Too much fun! Curious as to what some of your gimbals and gimbal controllers are. The y6 on the news cast looks interesting...


One never knows the fear of the camera, until you're in front of one. You never know how the story will end up after editing, etc. Good job on keeping cool, nice interview. But I have to agree, "IF" something bad had happened in that interview, it would have made national/world news, for sure. I'm guessing there could have been a ton of electrical interference in that TV studio too. Our "multirotors", or "drones" as the media like to call them, are the new Hula Hoop of today. A fast growing fad, that will draw less interest, as time passes. BUT for now, we are in the spot light. As with everything in life, there are always those that know what they are doing, and those that don't have a clue.


Good for you for getting the exposure, I'm happy for you but every guy that ever crashed had 100% confidence in the moments leading up to the crash. We're pilots, confidence is our thing. My Dad put it in my head early on though that you can lose everything in a moment if you're not careful.....house, business, life and that news guy's face was too close to those propellers.

The guy that just about chopped off his own head with an RC heli probably would have said the same thing you did before the flight that killed him. a guy I know brought his WKM heli cross country for a big shoot and then drilled it into a wall on the first flight, he was 100% confident also. imagine the outcome if the heli did something unexpected and hit the guy, what would you be saying and what would you have done differently if you could do it again? airlines have such high safety records because the pilots are constantly reviewing events and modifying procedures and we're also 100% confident in ourselves and our machines.

i hate to be the granny in the crowd but we've got to talk about this stuff or the next guy will try what you did and won't be as lucky to pull it off. that won't be good for my business or yours.

Have a safe flying season.


Hi Bart, I greatly appreciate your comments but i think your somewhat pulling a fox news and broad brushing everything.

1. I dont agree with the comment "but every guy that ever crashed had 100% confidence in the moments leading up to the crash". If you look deeper, pretty much every crash ive known about was because a pilot was doing something that he or she did not have in their bag of ticks, they were trying something new, or they had 100% confidence in the GPS. I have not really heard of someone with 15years experience hovering a personally built ship and have all hell breaking loose. But i guess it could happen since real planes can disappear without a trace and or just fall out of the sky.

2. I am not like every pilot and people need to respect their skills.

3. I dont think the "heli chopping head thing" was someone just hovering a heli and not due to a malfunction.

4. People crashing is going to happen and i dont think its bad for business but actually good. We have all heard the quote "you think hiring a professional is expensive, try hiring an amateur" . My best story is shooting the real "Running of the Bulls" in Pamplona Spain, then calling the one in VA to see if they wanted me to shoot that one. They said no and went with a different company and we all know what happened.

5. You can always look back when something bad happens and wish you could do something different. Then again you can always look back wish you would of taken the opportunity presented before you. Every journey is personal and through my 15years of doing this, I dont think GOD would of put me in that position only to fail. Now if i was being asked to literally fly through hoops with peoples faces right next to them, I would not do it.

6. This guy you know who brought a wkm heli and drilled it in a wall. I think i know who you are talking about and if it is the same guy, he was flying in a GPS type mode, i believe IOC.

7. I think there companies doing much more dangerous things then hovering a heli in a studio, for example check out this company flying right over a concert crowd http://vimeo.com/85864098

8. I dont think I was lucky and the next guy better have the same resume as I do.

9. Sometimes people need to take off their granny panties and put on some man panties.

10. Please dont kick me off this forum

I feel like the word dangerous is somewhat of a relative term. In looking back at one of my more recent shoots filming ancient petroglyphs, I would say that flying next to 10,000year priceless wall drawings was far more dangerous then hovering in a studio.
Im actually more worried about someone trying to copy my petroglyphs video and end up crashing into the wall and damaging some ancient art.


Drone Enthusiast
I was more worried by the APC thin's. Next to Graupners those props will do the most harm. Perhaps for public situations like this there should at least be some guards on the tips or props that snap off when they come in contact? Dunno. I'm not out to give you a hard time. It's not just you, it's that everyone that makes it in the public eye is under heavy scrutiny because you are essentially representing thousands of us with your actions. We are all on the same team, more or less.

when multis were first coming on to the scene, i had one fly up in my face and part of the apc prop broke off and stuck in my cheek bone. It was by the grace of GOD that i did not loose an eye or slice my neck, or cut a nerve. (i posted pictures of this)

By there very nature, these things are dangerous and i believe that folding props or guards on the tips could only cause things to becoming even more dangerous.

I understand that there is no win here. I did like i always do, promote the business and industry the best way I know how. Also Tom knew the risk and was not an unknowing bystander.


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
................10. Please dont kick me off this forum

i've kicked out plenty of spammers but only a small number of legitimate users that can be counted on one hand. no worries, just trying to keep safety in our discussions as we're all essentially business partners. one bad accident and we're all going to be affected.


I don't think nobody is knocking you. Some of us get hooked on the "what if's" You know, like "what if" I walk out my front door, and a limb from my oak tree falls and breaks my skull. Silly. Every time we do anything, it can go good, or bad, sideways, or upside down. Your recent publicity has helped our hobby, as far as I'm concerned. Keep up the good work. I'm sure there will be some wonky TV news show that will get some nurd, with his Phantom, that he just took out of the box, and interview him flying into whatever is close, and then proceed to blame DJI, etc. etc. On goes life.


Drone Enthusiast
Yeah man, no one is knocking you. You did well. Just think of it like parents telling you to use a condom. Kinda annoying even though you know it's true. If we were all in the same room we would be shaking your hand.
