Flexacopter -----The Making of an octocopter "KRATOS"-----


After some tuning the Kratos with the YS-X6 fly's super steady and smooth, between manual and GPS/altitude lock mode we see no difference at all in stability :)

GPS/altitude lock is extreme good, we don't talk about decimeters but more like centimeters accuracy!!
This was with 2a3 Bf, we are curieus how it will hold up with more wind.

ESC's and motors show a temp rising of no more than 20° after a flight of 13 min :) (AUW 9kg)

Looks like we got a faulty batch of Radian's :( they are continue drifting on all the slew mode's axels, hope we can solve this quickly.

Some photo's,






Installed 8 pieces EC-2 extension cables, now it's much easier to reach the ESC program plug's for programing:)



Boring video :rolleyes:
Still needs a bit of tuning but we are getting closer:)

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ESC comparison test.

In real live the motor has to pull 1200g so to get the same rpm for the test I mounted the extra lipo under the motor.

Xoar 14x6 propeller
Plettenberg Orbit 15-24

All three tests on a 6S lipo and exactly the same conditions, only the ESC's are swapped.

Flexacopter ESC Kratos edition, tuned on smoothness

Mystery 40A with SimonK firmware

Phoenix Ice 50 with the 4.02 firmware, timing on his highest but the Orbit needs more

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Ever wondered how much silicone wire is needed to connect everything on a Kratos?

16,8 meter 16AWG (motor / ESC)
11,2 meter 22AWG (lichting / buzzer)



Active Member
Oh my God.....looks like I have to buy a wire factory once my KRATOS arrives......

Just one question: I see a lot more ground (black) wire than power wire (red) ?....why do you have some blue and yellow wires there ?

Have a nice weekend



Hi Chris,

This is without the 11AWG power wires (not included with the kit) for connecting the lipo's to the PB.

But don't worry, all that wire you see on the photo is already pre-installed in the kit ;)

The long wires are for inside the arm's and the short ones will be pre-soldered to the tubes of the plug system.

The black 16AWG is for connecting the motors to the ESC's, don't need other colors there.
The blue and yellow 22AWG are inside the arm's, why no red and black is because you change the + and - when you mount the arm 180° turned around,
so the blue end yellow is to make clear you have to define which is wat after you have mounted the motors.



Oh my God.....looks like I have to buy a wire factory once my KRATOS arrives......

Just one question: I see a lot more ground (black) wire than power wire (red) ?....why do you have some blue and yellow wires there ?

Have a nice weekend



I'm planning on purchasing a new MultiCopter, so I went over to Mario to see the Kratos..
The detail put into this bird is amazing! Everything was well thought of, planned and improved where needed. Neither time nor effort was spared to get to this level of perfection! Really, an amazing job!
Chris, you won't know what will hit you when you open that box in a few weeks! :emmersed:
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Thanks for the kind words Koen :)

I'm planning on purchasing a new MultiCopter, so I went over to Mario to see the Kratos..
The detail put into this bird is amazing! Everything was well thought of, planned and improved where needed. Neither time nor effort was spared to get to this level of perfection! Really, an amazing job!
Chris, you won't know what will hit you when you open that box in a few weeks! :emmersed:


pendejo grande
Majestic is the only word I can think to describe this octo. Mario your build quality is beyond compare. A question I have, how do you adjust the wire rope for different loads, take out pieces of cable? again, well done!


Active Member
Chris, you won't know what will hit you when you open that box in a few weeks! :emmersed:

Thank you...now I can clean my keyboard...again :playful:

The detail put into this bird is amazing! Everything was well thought of, planned and improved where needed. Neither time nor effort was spared to get to this level of perfection! Really, an amazing job!

That's the reason why I ordered one....If talented people develop something the way THEY would like to have - but can't buy it - then someting like KRATOS is created. And if you look at the price for the whole set and compare it with Droidworx and Cinestar (both great products) than just your logic alone would lead you to the Kratos + you get a lot of great service and advice on top of it.

Additionally Mario is the hell of a nice and knowledgeable person.....every question answered in a short time, and a good sense of humor.

I believe in smaller companies coming up with great products...that's why I support them.

