DJI Released New Firmware 3.14 for Naza-M V1、V2 And Phantom!


I for one never thought I would see the day when some numbty boy could invest in a Phantom and without any experience go out there and start capturing some useful stuff with such a minimal cost. Sadly the pro end of the marketplace is going to get tougher.

Interesting observation you have made. I am a cinematographer/videographer by trade. I had looked into many aerial platforms so as to give some of my clients a different perspective of their business etc. Once I saw that the Phantom had the ability to steadily fly the new GoPro Hero 3 Black, I thought this could be an easy way to provide said visual service without the massive cash outlay for an octocopter. The liability insurance alone to fly a CineStar-8 or DJI S-800 with say a Canon 5D MkIII is costly.

I today shot a segment of a television commercial with guess what? A Phantom/ GoPro Hero 3 set up. No FPV or gimbal. Just some well planned out shots and a very calm early morning. The client is happy as is the agency.

Now with the release of the DJI gimbal,I can purchase a complete aerial outfit with gimbal and GoPro without FPV for $1800 excluded extra batteries. I can recoup the purchase price on 4 paying jobs! Would I like to fly a full S-800 or CineStar 8? Of course,but in reality,if my market is happy with Phantom/GoPro footage,I will gladly provide it. I would rather have 2 full Phantom/GoPro set ups sitting idle on slow weeks than an expensive octocopter.

So Simon you are saying your Naza-M V1 was brand new, never flown before you installed it? Curious, wonder if you got one from old stock or had been dropped somewhere along the way. I am convinced the correlation between shock trauma to the Naza and un explained fight characteristics has to do damaged internals.

Nope, not what I said at all.

First of all, I have no idea what tortures my unit may have endured prior to reaching my doorstep. As it arrived via UPS (certainly not MY choice of shipping methods), for all I know it may very well have been used to pound nails. But then...just about everyone else is in the same situation when it comes right down to it.

What I DID say is that the notion that this problem is the sole function of unit age is spurious at best. I have very good reason to believe that my unit is of quite recent manufacture, as well as a great many other newer units which all reportedly are suffering from the same problems as are older units. One or two examples are statistical variants, many examples are a trend.

As I've said elsewhere, I highly suspect the problem isn't a hardware failure at all...but rather a firmware issue. No idea who the code-monkey writing this stuff is, but he might want to take up plumbing instead. My guess is a real chimpanzee would out do him easily.

So ST, you think DJI is covering a fix of the various issues being reported here, by putting out up-date 3.14,

No....I DON'T think DJI is covering this issue in 3.14. I don't really think they care enough to bother trying to fix it. DJI's past track record of rushing both hardware AND software to market in hopes of getting free beta-testing at the (often times hugely financial) expense of their customer base seems to indicate a general lack of concern for customers and their problems, and therefore no real wish to quickly (or ever) correct such issues. Any problems that ARE uncovered typically are not addressed for at least three or four (often times more) revision cycles.

All of the above said...I have now had opportunity to test 3.14 (you're welcome DJI) at least a small amount. While there may be some very small improvement in warm-up times, it is less than significant and does not even come close to a real and total fix of the issue. Perhaps, a 10 to 15% reduction at most...but I am being very generous with those figures. Therefore, my guess is that any change to be found is accidental as opposed to a deliberate fix.

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