MultiWii / NAZE / SP Racing F3 Apm 2


There are a few of us on here that are very familiar with the APM2.. It is a very comprehensive system and great value for money, but it pays to understand how it works, if you want to get the full potential from it?


There are a few of us on here that are very familiar with the APM2.. It is a very comprehensive system and great value for money, but it pays to understand how it works, if you want to get the full potential from it?

Any idea how to configure it for X8?


I'm embarrassed to say that I have had the APM2 for almost 6 months. I've have never hooked it up. Originally, I was going to have a quad built and was told how good they are and they do have a lot of stuff crammed into a such a small card.
I've been watching this thread and it may be time for me to start learning about it.


Arducopter Developer
Just a quick video I threw together showing the loiter performance of Arducopter.

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Looks good R_L, My APM2 setup is ongoing, using it on an X650. Alt and Position hold are not yet as precise as my Naza GPS.
Not to keen on the Alt hold method of operation in comparison. I like the narrow deadband on the Naza IN ATTI. Its tolerance seems a lot less, same with position hold in Loiter. I am working through the wiki for setting parameters, only adjusted the P values as yet, a bit tentative when it comes to the I's and 'D's.
Not too sure how to set it to X8 configuration either. would be nice to reinstate it back to an X8, Thats actually what I got the APM2 for, after disastrous consequences of using one of a faulty batch of XA 1212-S, AHRS's


Just FYI to those who, like myself, have an APM2 that has been collecting dust in the "to do (eventually)" pile of stuff, now's a good time to get the wheels turning. I, too, purchased the APM long ago and, after never getting it to quite work as well as I thought it should've, set it aside and got busy with other commercially available flight controllers. Long story short -- I ended up following the ,asses despite my failure with the v1 and purchased the APM2 -- same story which is that I retired it before getting it to work satisfactorily.

This was until last week. I was browsing the DiYdrones website and happened to see some great feedback from the versions of firmware beginning at around 2.6 that revamped my determination to get it right. I found a block of free time in my schedule and got busy with the APM2 , downloading mission planner and loading v2.7.1 onto my board and mounted the board on a freshly built a Flyduspider hexa frame, purpose-built for testing this long over-due project.

All I can say is, "what a fantastic difference!". This very well may hold as much or more potential than any of the flight controllers I've evaluated recently, And if you factor in price to the equation, it's definitely the best buy at this point in time, based on just the first few flights, as of yet not finely tuned (default PID's, except basic Roll/Pitch P value roughly tuned). I can only assume that with an afternoon's worth of attention, that this config will yield outstanding results.

A few recommendations for those who have been inspired by this post to give it another go:
1. Read the wiki carefully, then read it again, and repeat as necessary (often)
2. instead of using XBee radios, invest the small (relative to Xbee) price and buy the 3DR radios. They are better and cheaper.
3. Refer to (1) above...


p.s. -- I'm no absolute expert on the arducopter controller, though I do have considerable experience with it and with modifying and compiling the code that is available and is the root of all functionality this epic community project envelopes. I will try to keep this thread updated as far as the performance to be had once I invest some quality time in tuning it. The reason I mention this is that I would like to extend, to those who might need it, the offer to provide assistance to someone with a particular problem that is NOT covered in the wiki. Feel free to PM me or post here and I will do my best to either answer the question, or if you didn't RTFM, than I might be forced to refer you to (1) above!!

p.p.s. -- I'm just finishing this post and am realizing I'm literally having issues staying awake, so sorry for the long post and I hope I have made sense throughout this post. I'm simply too exhausted to proofread this post for now, so, sorry if I diverge and hope this helps! :frog:


Arducopter Developer
Bowley, the latest code, 2.7.3 has changed from a wide deadband Alt_Hold with fixed ascent and descent speeds, to wide deadband, variable speed. I expect the next revision will have a narrow deadband and variable speed.

Actually, I'm not entirely sure how to use X8 mode. I don't see the option in the planner. It's possible you will have to compile and put #define FRAME_TYPE OCTA_QUAD_FRAME in APM_Config.h, then upload to the board. Do you know how to do all that? I think that since Octa Quad isn't so popular, it just hasn't made it as an easy selection in MP.


This is good news R_Lef, thanks for the heads up.
I go away for work for 3 weeks at a time, and theres always a firmware upgrade to look forward to when I get home, this time we have the APM2 AND a Naza FW upgrade :02.47-tranquillity:

That fixed ascent and descent speed really gave me the woolies, and had my fumbling for the mode switch. It was literally up and down like a yoyo, quite funny actually. I was expecting a Naza like response.

I wonder why there has not been a code for X8's. I see a illustration of it showing motor numbers and direction of rotation on one of the Wiki pages.


Not sure,, I see that they are also selling the cinestar range. its not been unknown for the chinese to copy the odd item.


Anyone know if there is any code downloadable for "X8 Octa Quad" as indicated here?
Still no X8 Config options in mission Planner!



Arducopter Developer
I'm pretty sure that code is working fine, but for whatever reason, it's not a default configuration in APM. You will have to download the source code, put #define FRAME_CONFIG OCTA_QUAD_FRAME in APM_Config.h, compile and upload manually using Arduino IDE.


Thanks R_Lefebvre. I thought I may have been missing an update or something. Dont have the time to get to grips with manual coding so I'll stick to my X4 and use a HFP on my X8, APM2 would be handy as it has OK,ish GPS Pos'n hold.
