3X Freefly radians and 3X Freefly servos


Selling these barely used Radians and servos, perfect condition.

Radians á 250€
Servos á 50€




  • radianit.jpg
    41.3 KB · Views: 310
  • servot.jpg
    26.1 KB · Views: 301


Well Radians came out a year ago, is that old technology?

Imho there's still place for Radians, still not seeing a lot of people flying Reds with dd gimbals, but for radians it's weight is a piece of cake and you don't need to balance everything with a same accuracy or build super custom setups with dual motors and so on. Especially when using remote focus etc which might change COG and bring jitters or lose balance completely with alexmos dd drives, with Radians you are on the safe side and can sleep your nights well knowing it will just do it's job until there is some trusted better solutions. We all know it'll need minor post stabilizaton but how much your client is ready to pay more for that extra 2% in 5K Epic image what's lost after post stabilization. Maybe bigger Mövi will do the same job easily but 500€ here is something different than price of Mövi.
