Hi from Cheshire

Hi all

Well its nearly 00:30am and I find myself registering on the forum because of a conversation I had with my 11 year old son. I went along the lines of....."Wouldn't it be cool to fly a model aircraft using a pair of goggles and seeing where you are flying? "Yeah, whatever dad" came the reply.

Ive spent a while browsing the videos that users have posted and I am eager to find out more and to start building my first machine. I know I need to learn the basics before running so I know goggles are out for now until I can fly :)

Here's hoping I'm here for a while.

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Hi andy. welcome to the forums. It certainly is an addictive sport once you get bitten.
Where abouts in Cheshire are you as we are South Cheshire/North Shropshire based.
