Search results

  1. P

    2.4GHz Rx antenna placement (TBS Disco)

    I've been flying a few different machines over the last couple of months and have learned quite a bit. One thing that is not fully clear is the placement of the Rx antenna wires. The other day I noticed an inch of one of the wires off the Futaba Rx is gone. Likely a prop trimming. I guess I need...
  2. P

    How to know if motor shaft is not straight.

    So the big question is I can "see" anything off in the movement of the motors with or without props. Nothing feels strange when hand turning either. What methods does one use to figure out if a shaft is bent, or something else with the motor has gone all miss aligned? I had a very minor bump...
  3. P

    Gaui Motor and ESC recommendations for 500x frame.

    Edit: I appears from further reading that most any 28mm motor will fit, so I guess the issue I have is with an ESC that will fit in the arms. So I ordered a Gaui 500X frame mostly because it was pretty inexpensive at $25 and because I like the slightly cleaner design of the motor housing. It...
  4. P

    Tricopter Frame Kits?

    I've been flying the quad around now for a couple of weeks. Usually a lipo or 2 at lunch and a couple more at the end of the day now that the lights are on it. I've got a couple of KK2 boards laying here, one is in a mini quad but the other is itching for something to do, and I love the look of...
  5. P

    Increasing throttle causes proportional yaw?

    Trying this question again since its been a few days and more tweaks and I still can't get it worked out. Quad, with NAZA and TBS ECSs and 750kv motors. Currently using APC 10" props since I jacked up one of my Graupners heating up the prop-adapter to get the damn loctite off. I've balanced...
  6. P

    Turnigy Rx Controlled Switch and Failsafe? I finally received a couple of these receiver controlled "switches" from HK. I wanted this one over a similar unit I was using simply for it's fail-safe mode of alternating the switch on and off. (Flashing lights in my...
  7. P

    NAZA Yaw me to the right...

    Okay so after disassembling the F450 frame and building the new larger quad I've had a blast flying pack after pack the last couple days, but damn if I can't get this near constant right yaw worked out. Ive balanced the props, again, checked the CG a dozen times, and remounted the NAZA using the...
  8. P

    Motor wire lengths question?

    A little while back in the middle of some others threads I recall reading about motor wire lengths and what is ideal. Is there a length guideline and what is the reason for short vs longer motor wires? I have some other frame parts for a quad that ends up about 550mm motor to motor. I really...
  9. P

    TBS Disco Center of Gravity Issue...

    I realize this thing is designed for FPV flight and a go pro or the like up front. I've got 4S 4000mAh batteries, and frankly moving them all the way up the tail to the last possible red spacer is still not enough to put the CG where the NAZA should be mounted. Even with my buddies GoPro up on...
  10. P

    Pelted's Quads (Builds Commencing)

    New toys arrived today from TBS. The Disco, motors and ESC are now sitting on my desk at the office. I'm so leaving early today. Since I have a F450 frame already built I'm going to hold off on the Disco until I have a few flight hours. No since in crashing this thing on day one. (sorry about...
  11. P

    Feedback on Heli-X

    I'm still waiting on my big kit to arrive and was about to bug out and buy one of the windows based RC simulators opined ad nauseam. I'm a Mac guy period and although I have Bootcamp, Parallels, and VMWare (I do a lot of software development and testing) I avoid it as much as possible. This...
  12. P

    First micro quad build motor spin up troubles.

    So I finished up my little Micro Quad build last night. The setup is basically the Turnigy kit but I completely built it from the parts rather than buying the assembled unit. HK Link The crux of the problem is moto 1 starts spinning up right at about 10% throttle. M4 and M3 start up maybe...
  13. P

    Soldering help... Wire will not tin.

    So while I wait for the big big kit to arrive I'm putting together this Turnigy Micro Quad. The recommended motors have wire that is being a serious PITA. The dark copper wire will not tin. The wires have to be cut so short to fit this tiny frame there is just no doing this without getting these...
  14. P

    Any servo recommendations for X550 landing gear cam tilt?

    So I picked up the little X550 landing gear with camera mount that has servo activated tilt control. It arrived yesterday and I've assembled it, but not really sure what sort of servo should be used for this. The last time I had servos laying around I don't recall there being any such thing as a...
  15. P

    Vacuform bodies?

    First of all I'm waiting for all my quad building stuff to arrive from all over the dang planet, and the resin to set on my aluminum ladybird frame I built last night. This all has me thinking about multirotor aesthetics. There are some great looking builds out there, and some really nice wire...
  16. P

    Thought I'd say hi. Southern California (Redlands IE)

    Just getting into multirotors. I used to fly rc planes a bit and even had a heli a good 6 years or so ago that I managed to spend more time repairing then flying. I even did a bit of robotic (autonomous and rc) stuff here and there. Throughout all of that my goal was always to get a camera on...
  17. P

    40mm stator motors on Flame Wheel 450 frame?

    Is there any issue with fitting a 40mm motor such as the Tiger MT-4006, or FM4008 to the stock DJI Flame Wheel F450? I want to practice flying on this frame with the NAZA before upgrading the frame to one of the FPV ones like the QAV500. I just don't see spending the cash on all the DJI motors...