Zero UAV Ys x4 compass problem


New Member
Anyone help me to solve this problem..Did compass calibration, blue light flashes during horizontal and vertical Alignment still not showing blue and red circle...
What to do? It will solve if I upgrade the ysx4 firmware....HELP


Anyone help me to solve this problem..Did compass calibration, blue light flashes during horizontal and vertical Alignment still not showing blue and red circle...
What to do? It will solve if I upgrade the ysx4 firmware....HELP

Chris is having the same problem. I had a look at his system today, and tried myself, with no luck. We thought that maybe it was the compass, so we swapped to a new compass and tried that and got the same result. I suggest that you upgrade to the latest firmware and try again. Please make sure you only install the YS-X4 Firmware.


New Member
hi robone,

thanks for your info, so what are X4 user doing??? Are they flying only in manual mode without GPS
mine is navigator version, I hope someone will give the correct guidline to calibrate the magnetic compass...


hi robone,

thanks for your info, so what are X4 user doing??? Are they flying only in manual mode without GPS
mine is navigator version, I hope someone will give the correct guidline to calibrate the magnetic compass...

I was thinking about this and why have all the problems with calibrating the compass suddenly appeared.

New firmware and GCS's were released on the 25 Jan. I think it is related to that.

I know the latest Android GCS is causing a problem with loading waypoints in countries that use the comma as a decimal point, so maybe the Android GCS is somehow not saving the compass calibration too.

I would recommend that everyone 1st load the previous android GCS and try and calibrate with that and if that does not work, load the previous FW and try and calibrate with that.

You can find all the software/FW here


I have taken mine all to pieces now so guess I might have to wait until i return to UK to try earlier firmware. Unless of course someone finds a fix for this which case I might try to put it all together again!
So that is one other person with the same issue. I am not alone in the world!! :tennis:


I might give it a go and see if I can still calibrate it with the new GCS and FW. Although I must admit, my system is working so well, that I hate to try to change anything.


Hi Chris....if you could, to also test it using the PC GCS to do the compass calibration would be good.

My eyes are still fuzzy at the moment after seeing the eye doctor.

I really believe that the latest Android GCS is the problem.

I tried it with the PC GCS, same circles. I also tried the older android gcs as well as the older firmware, so it is looking like a hardware problem. I think I am running out of ideas

I have written to Peter at ZeroUAV. And sent a log file. He says that the horiz is calibrating but not the vertical and I must try again, keeping the blue LED light on. Whenever I contact him he says this. Like a broken record.
I cannot make him understand that this is what I have done, I can turn around until I fall over keeping the blue light on but still do not get the concentric rings. Rob could not either. I have tried all the versions of firmware I can. Both versions of Android GCS and the PC GCS. I have completely run out of options... I give up.


Hi Chris

I suggest that you return it to whoever you bought it from and let them try and calibrate it. If they can't then they will just have to send it back.

I can understand Peter and what he is saying. In theory, if you get the hor led and the ver led on when doing the calibration it should register. So, all he is seeing is that it as your problem or lack of calibrating skill, which it is not. The only way to convince him is to get your retailer to confirm that it does not work.


Hi Rob
The problem is I bought it direct from Zero-Uav. You know that we managed to do the horizontal and vertical calibration without getting it to register.
I cannot convince him of that and am at a loss what to do next...I dont have a dealer to check it. Wish I had bought it from you but you do not sell outside SA. I can confirm that you are an excellent dealer though! :tennis:


Hi Chris

What I would do is speak to whoever you bought it from at ZeroUAV, and then say that you are going to send it back for them to check. Unfortunately your cost will be the courier cost to China. Explain on a piece of paper what the problem is and include it in the box. Mark it with a max value of $10 or else it gets held up in customs and some one (you) will have to pay import duty.

So your worst case scenario is the shipping cost which should be about $40. The turn around time should be about 2-3 weeks. But at least you will get a system that works.



New Member
Problem horizon artificial

Hi Chris

What I would do is speak to whoever you bought it from at ZeroUAV, and then say that you are going to send it back for them to check. Unfortunately your cost will be the courier cost to China. Explain on a piece of paper what the problem is and include it in the box. Mark it with a max value of $10 or else it gets held up in customs and some one (you) will have to pay import duty.

So your worst case scenario is the shipping cost which should be about $40. The turn around time should be about 2-3 weeks. But at least you will get a system that works.


Hello guys, I have a YS-X4 and am having trouble in artificial horizon, and only cosigo arming engines in manual mode when put in manual mode attitude not gun the engine what should I do? I am grateful.
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