XAircraft XAircraft Pilot Lamp

We have been using the pilot lamp testing, they are extremely handy even at a distance. Mostly in close but GOOD information for the pilot, very NICE to have. Our shipment will be instock in a few days. Xaircraft USA

This video (orig. posted in RCG X650 forum by user georgebinns there) shows a quad using the Pilot Lamp. There's no up-close detail, but as his quad is flying in fairly bright weather he reports he can see the status LEDs.

I think the quick buzzer beeps are just for flight mode / GPS status info, it's not necessary to hear those in flight. On the other hand, if your machine goes down in a tree, you should be able to activate the Pilot Lamp find-me mode and hear it.

Also in that video you can see he has a low voltage buzzer alarm. These alarms have the same electronic component for a buzzer (although there are two of them on the LV buzzer vs. one on the Pilot Lamp). I have two of those buzzer alarms, and they ARE LOUD. Cap-locks loud. I'm confident you could locate a downed craft by the buzzer from more than 100m away.

Video link:



Great link Norm! I just ordered it...I think it will be a nice aid to have on board...simply for the indicators alone. I figure if it goes down 100m away and I know the general vicinity, the alarm will help somewhat.


Hmm I Just installed one on my X650 v8, in the video, when you first turn on the copter you a get a double short beep, which I do,
Though when I turn on my transmitter, the short beep is suppose to go away but mine does not indicating signal from the receiver is abnormal accorfing to the video.
What should I be checking to fix this issue?
