Women BEATS UP drone operator at the beach, old or new?


Reminded me of rabid dog, just latched on . And every time you moved it bit more. Looked sounded like a crazed lady, I am sure It was shock when Johnny Law, said to her you have a problem. And Sir do you want too press charges. Video saved his day for sure


Its just not PC to say she probably deserved to get her a$$ kicked.

Its unfortunate that we live in a culture where people feel entitled to view everything of someone else but when it comes to a themselves their perception is that you don't have the right.

Although its hard to tell, and I couldn't watch the whole thing, it did appear that the guy was trying to pack up and leave. If people don't want to be seen on the beach then don't go to the beach but if you choose to go to a public beach then you should know that people have the right to take your picture. It would be nice if people respected other peoples privacy but that doesn't give then the right to do what that woman did.

All AP'rs need to be respectful of others safety and privacy but equally important we need to stand up for our rights, no one else is going to do it for us.

Public beach.....therefore no legal expectation of privacy. Take all the pictures you want.

Bottom line.....she is three kinds of nutty.

Hope she scratched him bad enough to draw a little blood. That would probably be good to get her an extra week or two in lock-up. Sounds like she needs it.




All I can say is: Intelligent flight planning. Get your shots from a distance. ;) You should plan non-direct flight paths that would prevent someone like that crazy lady from finding you. lol :) ;) Lead them away from your launch point on your return trip to home. :)

I suspect it is a demented young spinster destined to become an old maid....... who, in their right mind, could possibly live with that!


I carry my conceal everywhere I go except where posted but for sure if you fly in public places you really need a spotter for safety. You will not be able to see everything around you when flying.

