What kind of forum is this?

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Jay, I think most guys here will share in your excitement, but I believe you will find a more logical and experienced community here.


So far, with only one exception, only moderators have responded to anything I have posted.
Looks like the moderators are covering for another dead, do-nothing forum full of nothing but people with problems.
- We'll see...'

What do you want us to do -- Come running to wherever you are to build a world-class next-level whatever-buzzword multirotor park and extravaganza? Anybody can post a pipe dream and say "come on guys, follow me!". Frankly, it all comes across as a little nutty. And I'll bet this isn't the first forum you have found inferior, right?


Drone Enthusiast
One of two things going on here. Either this is an incredibly lame forum, complete with moderators willing to create a front for the lame people that frequent it in hopes of preserving their credibility with you.....or, the idea is simply not that good.

I have no issue with your idea. It's just not for me. That could make me incredibly lame, or it could just simply mean we have different tastes (or in this case, different multirotor world domination competition goals). Regardless, I would never propose to limit your ideas, enthusiasm or dreams. Go for it.

It's like the band I worked with that had the timeless vision of marrying eastern Ukrainian speed metal with oh-so subtle polka tunes (of course with dash a real cowbell...you know, from a Ukrainian cow, not that music store bought crap). But alas, they never found their audience.

I would never deny them their right to create. I just didn't dig it. Didn't have the hip-shake I was looking for. To each their own.

I'm sure you'll find your audience somewhere of people who love to flail their MRs headlong into water, branches and snowbanks. But you stand a better chance, in my opinion, if you don't propose the idea by first insulting them.


Yea, a forum that has probably 75% of the AV pros in the entire world on it is TOTALLY lame...


Never mind.


So far, with only one exception, only moderators have responded to anything I have posted.
Looks like the moderators are covering for another dead, do-nothing forum full of nothing but people with problems.
- We'll see...'
Yep, that's us. Nothing to see here. You might as well move along.

There is not to many UAV/Drone forums out there and most people are pretty friendly on this forum with good ideas and positive moods. Unless your product is bad most people are openly excited about new products coming out. Please dont insult us just because we dont reply to you! You have not posted a product how can we get excited as you?
I wish you well @jaysmith


Bane of G10
Jay, you'd probably get a larger response if you had already done something vs throwing out ideas. If it's an idea, you need to be prepared to get it critiqued.

As for the mods being the primary responders to the thread, well, they're on here all the time out of necessity, and they're part of the multirotor community, so I don't know what you expected.

world-class next-level whatever-buzzword multirotor park and extravaganza

Hah, I remember a couple of those threads in a certain fixed-wing forum (SleepyC knows what I'm talking about). Nothing came of those super RC sites either.


Elevation via Flatulation
Say something that's worth my time to respond to.
Photos of a dogfight drone?
Video of Octos crashing through shrubbery?

It's just a flesh wound!

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