What countries are represented here?


Drone Enthusiast
Might need to revote.. on Texas.. cause its bigger then many of the countries posted on here. ;-) and we do have our own good beer here!

This is getting serious.. Beer talk I mean.... I know I will get slated for this but apart from the odd micro brewery I aint had any good American beer. The best I have has was in Talkeetna, Alaska but that may have been because I had been on expedition for 4 weeks and we got locked in with half a dozen very hairy trappers!



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for everyday swilling I like Yeungling. For once in a while satisfaction I like Anchor Steam Porter.
My favorite of all time is Newcastle Brown Ale but Brooklyn Breweries makes a good brown ale also.
caution: thread drift in progress


Drone Enthusiast
for everyday swilling I like Yeungling. For once in a while satisfaction I like Anchor Steam Porter.
My favorite of all time is Newcastle Brown Ale but Brooklyn Breweries makes a good brown ale also.
caution: thread drift in progress

One rules supreme

Deuchars IPA, a swilling beer that after a gallon has no serious morning affects as long as the slurper on the way to his pit consumes at battered haggis and chips!

Advert - Peebles- the Bridge INN and Peebles high street - The Haggibar! Scotland


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The current list is
New Zealand
South Africa
United States

Added Holland and Italy to the list. I believe we now have China present at the site as well. Welcome! :)

Did you forget us??


I had put Jersey in one of my replies but unfortunately this was not included in your list. Perhaps you thought I meant Jersey, as in the US Jersey or New Jersey?

Jersey in the channels islands, the original Jersey not the new one from which New Jersey got its name is in the original channel islands near France. Not the Channel Islands near the USA. Jersey has its own government, currency, tax regime etc... and is classed by many as a separate 'country' - whatever that definition is :).

We aren't part of the UK nor the EU but are a British crown dependency.

Jersey was the only part of the British isles that was occupied by the Nazis in WWII. The Jersey Crapauds are fiercely independent and proud of their history, never having been conquered - unlike the UK.

Oh - and we have great beaches, great surfing, great castles, fantastic restaurants, the third highest tidal range in the world and loads more sunshine than the rest of the UK.:cool:

ummmhhh enough of this history, this site is about copters et al.

So would you include us as a country please?

Many thanks

Best wishes



Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!

I had put Jersey in one of my replies but unfortunately this was not included in your list. Perhaps you thought I meant Jersey, as in the US Jersey or New Jersey?

Jersey in the channels islands, the original Jersey not the new one from which New Jersey got its name is in the original channel islands near France. Not the Channel Islands near the USA. Jersey has its own government, currency, tax regime etc... and is classed by many as a separate 'country' - whatever that definition is :).

We aren't part of the UK nor the EU but are a British crown dependency.

Jersey was the only part of the British isles that was occupied by the Nazis in WWII. The Jersey Crapauds are fiercely independent and proud of their history, never having been conquered - unlike the UK.

Oh - and we have great beaches, great surfing, great castles, fantastic restaurants, the third highest tidal range in the world and loads more sunshine than the rest of the UK.:cool:

ummmhhh enough of this history, this site is about copters et al.

So would you include us as a country please?

Many thanks

Best wishes


Sorry Phil. I saw your post but thought Jersey was part of the UK and that you were just goofing around.

Question though, how could you have been occupied but never conquered? It sounds like a very nice place, you should be a spokesperson for the tourism board!

I'll add it to the list. Is this your national flag?



Thanks for the reply - That is indeed the Jersey flag.

The reason we were never conquered is that Jersey was always part of Norman territory, so when the Duke of Normandy conquered England in 1066 and became King, Jersey was already part of his kingdom. Then when subsequent kings lost their Norman French territory Jersey and the other Channel islands maintained their loyalty to the English crown rather than to the French. That was quite difficult, as we are only 12 miles or so from the French coast and they always wanted to reclaim their lost territory. Hence the reason we have quite a few castles. The French desire is surprising really as Jersey is only about 9 miles x 5 miles in size. It was more so for the strategic position of the islands, having a British crown dependency so close to their coast irked them. This matters not to me as I am half French, though I sometimes wonder which half!
The Nazis occupied the Channel Islands during WWII much to their delight at having 'conquered' some British territory. It was a terrible time for the locals, and some were sent to concentration camps and died there. The Germans built many fortifications in the islands as part of their fortification lines, they are so well built that they have never been destroyed - they just sit there as though nothing can touch them when a bomb is used to try to destroy them.
Jersey has its own language which descends from the original Norman French, my Mother in law used to speak it in her youth as most local people of that generation did. They only spoke Jersey French until they went to school - then they learnt English and French. This was in the decades prior to the 1940's.
For an island of its size it has had considerable world wide influence - a Jersey, the garment originates from here. New Jersey in the US. Jersey Cows. The Jersey Royal potato with its unique flavour. And other stuff too!!!

Enough History/geography...

Guernsey is the other large island - but that is a whole other story!


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well, being born and raised in New Jersey, I salute you! I like learning new stuff so thanks for the lesson. I'll have my kids read about Jersey later toady and see what they have to say about it.


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Now that Jersey's on the list I don't want any more gripes about putting Texas on there. :confused::confused:


Feel like I just got my history lesson for the week. You know in Texas some people have yards as big as Jersey (-;
Hey Phil great to hear from you and see you on the forum. Are you doing any aerial photography I would love to see some of those beaches and castles

Real estate in Jersey is very expensive! So having a 45 sq.mile backyard must be just amazing... Lots of area to fly around in.

At the moment I am still in the research phase of 'copters. Tri or Quad I haven't yet finalised which design to go for and which would be more stable for aerial photography and video.
I pulled a Wii motion+ apart to extract the gyros and accelerometer. Bought the requisite AVR stuff and look forward to making the electronics work. KK design modified by JL Naudin looks good!
Eventually I will post photos on my web site sydor.weebly.com, but it may take some time! I need to add the major castles on my site. I get so used to seeing them all the time that I don't bother take photos of them...

Having been to Texas a few times I was always impressed by the independence Texans I met demonstrated, and they told me that it is the only state that can secede from the Union - so presumably to be considered as a separate country in this list, Texas would have to secede?


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I'm about to take a final list of who's here at the site. Anyone else need to add their country to the list?
New Zealand
South Africa
United States



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i suppose i should point out that i put holland and the netherlands on the list separately. hmmmm


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i didn't get Indonesia in time before i sent the list to the printer. also, i was given two australias instead of an australia and a new zealand so i'll have to fix that too when i have a chance. sorry!

here's a preview
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