Video Suggestions?


Well, I didn't get any feedback from anyone, but I did keep on flying and adjusting yesterday with what I think is some positive results. Here's the last flight of the day after I cut the roll gains down- what a difference! I feel it is way smoother, even though the wind was higher for this one.
Nobody? No feedback?? Comments, criticism of the constructive type??

Bill Davenport
AMA 28141


Looks pretty good, I also have turned my gains right down on my Naza. I find that with gains sufficient to maintain gimbal attitude my XA gimbal with Naza is very twitchy. I now use low gains to dampen movement rather than counteract all of it.


Sky Hero 700 Quad
Awesome flying site. Where is it located? Copter looks pretty smooth to me.
Just did my first RTH+L on my F450 quad last night. Mine does a couple large circles above the landing point and then stops and decends with soft landing.


Looks pretty good, I also have turned my gains right down on my Naza. I find that with gains sufficient to maintain gimbal attitude my XA gimbal with Naza is very twitchy. I now use low gains to dampen movement rather than counteract all of it.

Bow, You do have the Camera Lens aligned with the pivot point of the mount, right? Sounds like that could be the problem.

Bill Davenport
AMA 28141
