UK CAA flight test


BNUC sounds a nightmare, took my flight test on Monday, ops manual approved by Resource and off to the CAA next week as their main assessor is away so, we'll see what happens, will let you know, but for know its out of my hands..

BNUC sounds a nightmare, took my flight test on Monday, ops manual approved by Resource and off to the CAA next week as their main assessor is away so, we'll see what happens, will let you know, but for know its out of my hands..

Hi Flubbs,
I done my test on the Friday 14th with Resource Group and I'm waiting just like you now, Hopefully it will not take a long time to get the permission for us both.
Good luck dude


Hi Flubbs,
I done my test on the Friday 14th with Resource Group and I'm waiting just like you now, Hopefully it will not take a long time to get the permission for us both.
Good luck dude

Nice one Jimmy, Good luck mate.

And you too Flubbs, Where in Surrey are you. We might be neighbors.


"WELL DONE"...........I agree about the long delays in paperwork. Also I would have would be BNUC-S pilots to wear bike clips on flight test for failsafe test!


Nice one Jimmy, Good luck mate.

And you too Flubbs, Where in Surrey are you. We might be neighbors.

Any News Jimmy?? i keep checking the bank to see if theyve taken the money, but nothing yet!!

Hey Hexa, Im in Hindhead, what about you?


Hi Folks,
Just finalising my ops manual and out practicing as much as possible. Quick question re the flight test, do you have to demonstrate flying/landing in manual mode?

Thanks in advance


Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
If manual mode is in your ops manual then yes. Although I don't think you do for the EuroUSC flight test so I hear.

I guess since you're writing your ops manual before the flight test you must be doing the BNUC-S with EuroUSC. You'll be fine then. Quick and easy test is what everyone says.


Hi Folks,
Just finalising my ops manual and out practicing as much as possible. Quick question re the flight test, do you have to demonstrate flying/landing in manual mode?

Thanks in advance


I'm at a similar stage and as far as I am aware you only have to demonstrate what's in your manual. If you have put down manual mode as one of your flight operation modes then I guess you will be tested on it. For my manual, I have stated that I only fly in GPS, Atti and waypoint autopilot and dont expect to be asked to demonstarate maual mode. Hope that helps but I'm sure someone else with confirm. I was supposed to have my flight assessment today but the good old English weather put a stop to that :livid:

e2a: Ben beat me to it, but there's your confirmation!


Hey Jimmy, got mine through yesterday, had to phone them on monday, the lady on the phone was really apologetic and said she would get them out asap, an admin error apparently. have you got yours yet??
