Two drones almost collide with NYPD chopper


Welcome to!!
Its probably much worse than that. Problem is that no one is posting positive images with meaningful messages about MR's.

But let me ask you, how is the success of an online video measured? The number of views, right? So what's accomplished by posting videos of idiots with MR's? Your encouraging them, your adding to their success.

I can understand why people might not be able to post inspirational footage that gets the kind of views a video of flying your dead cat around or something might get, but we certainly shouldn't be supporting these idiots by re-posting the their videos in the non-idiot forums. Its an oxymoron and it kind of makes us the idiots.


maybe you haven't been paying attention to the thousands (probably tens of thousands) of videos being posted from successful and peaceful flights of multi-rotor helicopters? i'd call almost every one of them positive and full of meaningful symbolisms.



maybe you haven't been paying attention to the thousands (probably tens of thousands) of videos being posted from successful and peaceful flights of multi-rotor helicopters? i'd call almost every one of them positive and full of meaningful symbolisms.

It might be meaningful symbolism to those that have already heard the calling of AP, they certainly might of inspired people to purchase a Phantom and join the fun, but that's kind of part of the problem.

I'm quite aware of the people doing incredible AP and have said many times how amazing the progress of AP has been over the past three years, all I said there was let the people who are supposed to know better stop posting and commenting on the idiots and start posting and commenting on the inspirational AP videos and posting them outside the MR forums on other appropriate forums, like real estate forums for example, with an explanation of how the video was done etc..

That fireworks video didn't go viral because only the people who fly Phantoms watched it but because it offered a view of the firework's seldom seen before by people who know nothing about MR's, RC, or the controversy surrounding commercial AP.


Drone Enthusiast
Chuck, I definitely understand your meaning when you talk about encouraging some of the more reckless members of the MR community by reposting their videos. Ideally there would be some type of comment made about the safety measures taken (or not!) on the sites where they originally appear.

But one thing that I don't think is so clear cut is the blanket assumption that Phantom pilots are going to ruin the industry. I recognize that the ease of purchase will bring an element of "whimsy" to the MR crowd, but ultimately it's a numbers game. Some folks (adults as well as kids) are going to lack common sense, whether they purchase an RTF, or piece together a quad from parts. It's a personality/maturity issue. Some people get it - some don't.

With this hobby so new, and the technology advancing so fast, I think it's going to be up to the "elders" in the community to police its own. Also, I think there should be pressure put on the manufacturers and retailers to include a very detailed statement about the rules and regulations (the AMA guidelines would be a decent start) in every package. Whether this happens or not, there will be people out there ruining it for the rest of us. And the cat is already out of the bag in terms of the "wicked cool shots" that can be had with these craft. Separating the yahoos from the pack, and either helping teach them to be responsible, or admonishing their asinine behavior may be the only hope we have....if there is a hobby left to be had, after the FAA gets done with their shenanigans. :)

just my 2¢


I would venture to say that 70 percent of the violators do not belong to the AMA. It is to bad that it is not mandantory for anyone who wants
to fly RC should belong to the AMA. And if the folks that want to buy a RTF then theys should show proof of a license before they could buy one.



I swear, I don't understand all this hoopla. "could have, might have, possibly could" how many video's are out there where somebody or some thing actually gets hurt, or damaged, from a multirotor. I've seen tons of the "what if's" I've seen dented and scratched cars from multi's going down in a parking lot. And there was the jogger that claimed a multirotor hit her in the head. What ever came out of that? I say it all comes down to: Too many chiefs, and not enough indians. Cops flying around in a multi million dollar helicopter, so bored, they have to chase a little $500 multirotor. What a joke! I wonder what that whole fiasco cost the citizens? Copter in the air, units on the ground. I wonder if they chase birds? I mean some of those birds in the air, "may" be homing pigeons, thus "belonging to a person" and that person is responsible for those threats to aviation. And how about model rockets? I'd say some/most of those go way beyond 400 feet. No problem, cause few carry video cameras, so not so many you tubes. I see MOVIES in the future. "KILLER DRONES" "This is your brain on drones" "Where are your children?" on and on, until the $$$ flow slows, or perhaps the good ole US starts another war, to take the minds of the press elsewhere.
On the FAA thing: I had 2 relatives come over to watch me flying my QAV250 with my Skyzone FPV goggles. I landed, and took off the goggles, and said, "here, put these on, and I'll fly around some and you can see what it's like". "NO" they said, "YOU MIGHT CRASH!" So their assumption was that it's easier to fly when you can "SEE" where you are going. Sure enough, I got them to try the goggles, and I promptly ran into a tree! Go figure? Here come the "tree huggers" I "might have" scratched the bark!:dejection:


Active Member
Update from the pilots...

Two things that strike me from the video. 1) the GoPro sticker on the front of the canopy? Oh, we don't use a camera, yeah right. 2) Let's take off in the middle of the street in traffic. No that won't cause anyone to be distracted by looking up while driving by, oops, hit a pedestrian. Well it at least that wasn't caused by the drone, that was a motor vehicle accident, can't trust those car drivers.

There is more to this story than this short video. Here's a link to a story where a friend of theirs talked about how these guys have boasted about flying as high as 5,000 ft with their "toy". -

They have been having a wild time ever since, flying the drones around the neighborhood each night and posting video of the outings on Instagram. - See more at:

Their lawyer, Michael Kushner, said that the incident was not as serious as authorities allege.
“This vehicle can’t go above 300 feet,” Kushner said. “They did nothing more than fly a kite.”
- See more at:
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Drone Enthusiast
Their description of the craft as a "toy" is exactly what prompted me to suggest that all manufacturers and retailers should be be putting a pamphlet or paperwork in the packages. I know this wouldn't eliminate all idiotic decisions by some, but it may help to educate and assuage the fears of the "powers that be."


Welcome to!!
Two things that strike me from the video. 1) the GoPro sticker on the front of the canopy? Oh, we don't use a camera, yeah right. 2) Let's take off in the middle of the street in traffic. No that won't cause anyone to be distracted by looking up while driving by, oops, hit a pedestrian. Well it at least that wasn't caused by the drone, that was a motor vehicle accident, can't trust those car drivers.

There is more to this story than this short video. Here's a link to a story where a friend of theirs talked about how these guys have boasted about flying as high as 5,000 ft with their "toy". -

They have been having a wild time ever since, flying the drones around the neighborhood each night and posting video of the outings on Instagram. - See more at:

Their lawyer, Michael Kushner, said that the incident was not as serious as authorities allege.
“This vehicle can’t go above 300 feet,” Kushner said. “They did nothing more than fly a kite.”
- See more at:

are you aware that you linked to the same article three times?

is that your website jwoike?


Arducopter Developer

0-2000 feet in 2 seconds is going to hurt their credibility in court!

Typically these things can do... I dunno, about 20 feet per second? That's almost 2 orders of magnitude less than what they claim. Maybe they should be giving a drug test to the helicopter pilot?

And I love the idea: "Ok, we got the perps! We don't know what crime they committed yet, but we're sure they did something wrong!"


Arducopter Developer
With this hobby so new, and the technology advancing so fast, I think it's going to be up to the "elders" in the community to police its own. Also, I think there should be pressure put on the manufacturers and retailers to include a very detailed statement about the rules and regulations (the AMA guidelines would be a decent start) in every package. Whether this happens or not, there will be people out there ruining it for the rest of us. And the cat is already out of the bag in terms of the "wicked cool shots" that can be had with these craft. Separating the yahoos from the pack, and either helping teach them to be responsible, or admonishing their asinine behavior may be the only hope we have....if there is a hobby left to be had, after the FAA gets done with their shenanigans. :)

I believe there actually is a Warning pamphlet in the box with the Phantom.


Sensationalism is the signatures code of the news media.
When is the last time someone fell overboard where the water was not shark infested?
And how is 800 feet a near miss?
And now a claim by the police "The police also suggest that the drone went from 0-2,000 feet in "less than two seconds"!!!!

Even a complete freefall would be slower!


Drone Enthusiast
Sensationalism is the signatures code of the news media.
When is the last time someone fell overboard where the water was not shark infested?
And how is 800 feet a near miss?
And now a claim by the police "The police also suggest that the drone went from 0-2,000 feet in "less than two seconds"!!!!

Even a complete freefall would be slower!

Well now you're asking the news outlets to recognize and understand the laws of physics. What fun would that be? :)


Active Member
Sorry about that Bart, No it's not my website. Seemed like each time I copy and pasted from the original article it didn't show up in the quick reply window until after I posted it as a reply. I should have edited and deleted all but one.
