travel cases


Aerial DP
So i've never been much of an extras guy. showing up with the hot heli has always been no problem blowing cash on, but i'll show up in cheap wal mart tubs or cases i bought 20 years ago, well that just changed. Was just sick of how i'm traveling with all this gear on my boat so decided to do something about it. Was surfing around here and somebody posted a link to uk ebay and it had a bunch of cheap clone pelican cases and it got me to thinkin so searched ours. not only where they there, there only a hundred miles away so ground ship is next day and cheap to ship. the only mistake i made was stopping at 2, cause now there gone and i want 3 more. $49, 8 to ship the first, $3 more for each additional ship. 18"x14"x7"



got one more i'm gonna put a 16" monitor into the lid, run it on 5.8 and have it take over the 22" screens job and i want to do some sort of plywood bottom section with storage for something, hide all the batteries, receivers, etc. maybee make a switching panel, dunno, gotta look more into it. need at least one more to make my battery charging/carry case. for now my old radio case does fine, but is metal exterior and it scares me to death to imagine pinching a balance lead or something and lighting that box, it's over 20 pounds of lipos, 30 packs, 3 and 4 cell, yikes
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Aerial DP
these are back up for auction $49.99 plus $12 ship, $3 ship ea additional. Got another 3 on the way. the 16" naxa monitor fits in the lid perfectly


Aerial DP
that's my trophy bird dog. Softest mouth in the bunch. She came from the cryogenic farm,,,,, her daddy was gone for 20 years before she was made. flew to chicago to get her, took her out to play the dog games we do and she trained awesome, hunted great, never brought me a bird at the show like 4 times in a row, whole summer worth. Biggest dissapointment of my life, but then she started bringing me birds while i was guiding and she wouldn't even shift a feather. My other dogs are alot stronger hunters like when the birds half alive, but there all tenderized and most taxidermist won't touch em. She's a nut



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kloner are you going to make integrate one of these cases into your fpv setup? mount 16" monitor and stuff inside case, open case, mount case on tripod and fly? after our talks last week, i ended up doing that very thing. bit smaller scale though, 10" haier. kind of proud how it turned out. also houses my radio during transport. going to try and add wood/fiberglass to the bottom of case (inside under foam), that i have quick release tripod on, to stiffen the whole setup. i will hopefully get to that project tomorrow. i will try and get some pics uploaded. do appreciate the help last week though.

I am also in talks with these folks about a case for an AD6. Debating best way to go about it and not spend a fortune. First design included a tool drawer, awfully cool but awfully spendy. Working on another quote right now.

Dogs - lifetime owner of German Shorthairs and Labs for hunting/pets. I have had some great ones. Last lab (Drake) was so good, lived to be 13. After he passed away, I decided no more labs. Would not be fair to the next one. Always being compared to Drake. He was so awesome but sounds a bit like yours in that he was a tad nutty. Certainly made it fun to hunt with him though. Currently trying to get my shorthair to retrieve ducks, while he is one of the best quail/pheasant dogs i have ever seen, the duck thing is not working so well. Buck could certainly live without getting in the h2o.


Aerial DP
yes i am. i had just glued the base back onto the 22" and am trying to save that for the kids in the car......... the house rv monitor isn't faring so well i the boat/truck, so. I ordered a 16" to lay into the lid of one of these. it'll be snug o the sides with a 1/2" gap on the top bottom. ordered some 9mm plush liner from hydro turf. it's for putting under hydro turf to make it a softer to the foot. Gonna make a false floor with all kinds of storage and built in's

then got another of em for a battery charging case. something more for home and the trailer when i'm on the road to charge and carry batteries in. then another does the radio tx, lrs stuff, 7" monitor. been thinking about frenching in the monitor to that case too, but i think the tripod rig i got made for the boat is gonna work best. it's all self contained and can deal with the environment better than making my case have to sit somewhere. Another just got donated to the boat since it has a grand of snap on in a aluminum case that was falling apart and not waterproof. Now there more protected i guess. Got one spar case ordered, most likely use it for spare parts and crap. now i got 4 ziplock bags in a plastic walmart tub or i'll use it for tools.

Dogs shaped my life to what it is today. 13 years ago i got ran over on my street bike and was disabled. after getting the dog and getting into the lifestyle i created the waterfowldecals gig and have been living off it ever since. Crazy how powerful the relationships can get. I've done 2 dogs to senior hunter at hunt tests. that was so much work i don't think i'll ever do any of that again unless i'm really bored.


we've never had a problem with water. They grew up on my boat at the river. Going to the sand bar, hot water, shallow entries, made em naturals

that's a 10 week old puppy



Active Member
I was just reading "waterfowldecals" in your post....hmmmm......some bell was ringing in my head....then I could remember....(I am also a lot into SingleHelis) : ...oh man, didn't know I am talking all the time to the sickest artist on this planet....wish I had your talent.

BTW: How is your monster helix performing...? didn't find any read after you showed the pics



Aerial DP
haha, guilty. am planning taking all them antennas out next trip. it's been 115-120 out there so i've been staying away but we cool down this week so sundays looking like the day. Got a Telink multifun i'm gonna try to deck out like my disco....... pixim 690, core, dragonlink, etc. it was suppose to be here friday, but somehow wound up back at ups saturday so am praying it comes here today. Euro EPP plane, crashes the best


Aerial DP
no, i finally bought a futaba. was pretty much using it to get around the jr/dragonlink incompatibility part. problem is you get one failsafe, one model match, etc. probably the biggest downside is the lack of the ability to slightly move the antennas angle for better signal like when it's all in your hand

It's going up for sale soon, no need now


no, i finally bought a futaba. was pretty much using it to get around the jr/dragonlink incompatibility part. problem is you get one failsafe, one model match, etc. probably the biggest downside is the lack of the ability to slightly move the antennas angle for better signal like when it's all in your hand

It's going up for sale soon, no need now

Ok - Good point re the above - was considering to buy it and give it a go, thanks for the info.

Might have to get onto the Futaba system in the future.


Aerial DP
if you wanted to run 2 transmitters into one craft via lrs, that's the way to do it. other than that, it's alright, one more piece of ground equipment that needed a battery and a tripod.

to me, it's alot more convienant to have it all in your hand, especially now DL has the power output switch, same as ezuhf, so you can leave it on low, get locked out for whatever reason then can kick up the power to fix whatever you got going on. if it's all up on the hilltop and on high already, locked out is locked out.

It is pretty though, but then you got 2.4 transmitting rc signal when you should have your video there.


if you wanted to run 2 transmitters into one craft via lrs, that's the way to do it. other than that, it's alright, one more piece of ground equipment that needed a battery and a tripod.

to me, it's alot more convienant to have it all in your hand, especially now DL has the power output switch, same as ezuhf, so you can leave it on low, get locked out for whatever reason then can kick up the power to fix whatever you got going on. if it's all up on the hilltop and on high already, locked out is locked out.

It is pretty though, but then you got 2.4 transmitting rc signal when you should have your video there.

Thanks for the further insight Kloner - Think some further research is required on it.


Kloner,sorry for taking this thread off track,are you still using 30A dji opto's? just need an idea on how thick they are please?
