TBS Discoveries now available in the states


ah too bad i didn't wait a few weeks. oh well, i guess my 2nd frame will be from them :)

Are you affiliated with AMP, Kloner?


pulled the trigger on one Friday (late afternoon) - AMP had tracking number to me saturday. in my best borat voice - "very nice"


Needs more bacon!
Darn wish I knew about this last week, already ordered from TBS. Was looking for a US Distributor. Oh well.

I've been waiting for over two weeks for them to send me my package, TBS webshop that is. So if you get them locally it's an advantage.

But on the other hand, it's -20° Celcius here in Sweden right now, so you need a thick radioglove to fly! :)


Merlin of Multirotors
HeliDirect is starting to ramp up on multirotor stuff, nice for me as they're close enough to drive over there and pickup my order, mucho bad for the wallet though... ;)



I hear ya on that Ken! They are only 4 miles from my house. Week before last I was able to put a web ording in on a Thursday night (late) and pick it up the next morning at 9am. WOW!
