Mikrokopter Prepping a micro SD card


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Hi all,
I'm trying to format my new micro SD card and there are three options, FAT, FAT32, and exFAT.
Which format do I use?


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just spoke to Adam at Quadrocopter.us.....he said to take the unformatted new card and insert it into the Nvai board and then run a firmware update. in the process of updating the firmware the board gets formatted.


The limit is 2 GB with NaviCtrl, this means it's using FAT 16 system.

I've checked my microSD card, and it's FAT 16.


How did the Navi update and SD formatting go Bart? I'm about to do exactly the same thing so just checking that its all good. Did you upgrade to 24e?



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i upgraded my FC to .82 and used the Navi update from about the same time (22 maybe?).
it went well and installed in a minute or two.


sweet, so all you did was put the micro SD card in the Navi then update and it sorts out the SD automatically without any issues?


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i didn't believe it either but it did

edit: i haven't gone looking for a log file from the one flight i did but i'm assuming it's in there working now. :)


Drone Enthusiast
I would check it is recording.. Just plug it in, calibrate and spin the motors a couple of times and by hand move the copter up and down the garden.. Then go look at the log file to make sure it is recording correctly.

BTW make sure your props are OFF!

I would also recommend after each days flying that the SD card HAS THE LOGS REMOVED SO THAT YOU DO NOT FILL IT INADVERTENTLY.

To see the affects of a SD card that can not record the data go check out my youtube channel.



This maybe a stupid question but I'm having trouble connecting to the Navi.

This is what I did.
1) I unplugged the 10pin plugs from the Navi and Flight control,
2) I then plugged the MKUSB ribbon into the 10 pins on the Navi.
3) Opened up the MKTools
4) Added the jumper to the MKUSB, have also tried by connecting the main packs instead of jumper but still no go
5) MKTools has a message saying no connection

I can connect fine through the XBee but not the USB

Please help!
