pirouette in loiter mode = some drift


Airborne Media Pros
Hey guys,

Anyone finding that when you are in loiter mode and you do a pirouette you find that craft drifts a little? I thought that I could stick in loiter and it would stay at the single spot and not move at all when I pirouette. Could I have missed something in the setup?


How much drift? The Naza with GPS is quoted to hold horizontal position "... in less than 2.5m horizital and and 0.8m vertical" (sic). So it could drift as much as 7 or 8 feet and still be within spec.


Aerial DP
make sure the + and - are right where you tell assistant where the gps is at. make sure to tune the gps so forward is forward, then make sure to recalibrate the compass after, reboot the fc then test.

I've noticed sometimes mine locks in and other times it wants to do a small drift off position......... on mine it seems like its the direction the cg is towards, the back


Airborne Media Pros
Oh, I guess I'm in the spec tolerances then. I'd say it drifts about 1 to 1.5 meters. I guess I was hoping to have it stay put and then be able to spin it as thought it was on a pole. I guess I'm asking too much. :pig:
