Tau Labs PID tuning video OpenPilotTV Episode 2

Excellent work from James

This video is more than you ever wanted about PID tuning for a multirotor. A brief overview of our control scheme is given, followed by a demonstration of tuning a quadcopter on a string and then in the air. Finally, for those interested, a set of simulations is presented to try and give an intuition about what the terms do to both attitude and rate control.

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Drone Enthusiast
I heard a rumour this was coming... Ill go grab a cuppa and sit with note pad an pen!


Drone Enthusiast
Good stuff although the last half when streight over my head but I am sure some of the tekkie guys will understand it..

Thanks for taking all that time for making and explaining



Drone Enthusiast
Is that using the windows or mac version? IS the Mac GCS ok now or should I use the windows version?

I use the mac version on 10.6. I hope it should work for everyone using Snow Leopard, but if not please let me know and we'll work on it.


Drone Enthusiast
James which one.. The one I am using throws an error about the libary and something about valid Qt
