Picloc 3x setting experience etc.


Drone Enthusiast
Thanks George !

If you want i can make a short video and post it here in the thread how to tune the acceleration so there are no more misunderstanding, that bringing it up to high will lead to oscillations etc.



OK.. I just updated the HD55 firmware folder with firmware called:


These are found here.

Attention while using them !

No need to factory default.... just reduce your I and D faders, and adjudt to suit.

@Dr.Ray - Your (5th) remark.... Do not bump acceleration so high... same reason as posted above.

@Dr.Ray - Your (6th) remark.... This function works like so:

If AUX1 is brought to less then -300uS from centre, goto home is activated. You still have some control of the mount, but the gotohome is trying continuously to do its job.
If AUX1 is brought to above 300uS, E-Stop is activated, and bringing ( or toggling ) this switch/knob/etc to this value again will restart the servos ( abrubtly !! if the mount has moved by itself ).
This makes this function possible to use by 2 position switch and also 3 position switch.
( until this is refined more in next firmware being done )
BTW.. there are small arrow markers in the Functions Tab - > Functions -> AUX1 and 2 level meters, to show approximately when the triggering takes place.

@Seattle - 4) How sensitive is the magnetometer to surrounding servos/motors? It's now set to medium sensitivity. Any motors, servos , magnets, ferrous materials that change the direction of a 'compass needle' placed instead of Picloc, will undoubtly have a negative effect.

Let me explain.... Imagine as if someone blindfolds you and is turning you around, but is telling you continually that you're heading North ( a strong magnetic field close to Picloc that is 'masking' mother Earth's subtle field).
You will have the impression that something is not right, as you feel you are being turned, but something/someone is cheating.

DJI/Robbe Helicommand PRO, have put their MAG compass together with their GPS out on a stick for this reason. However, this was impossible for me to make with Picloc. Imagine a 6 to 9 inch stick pointing out of your camera mount ( sounds complicated isn't it ;)

With the help of a compass needle, a good place can be found for your mount on your pan arch ( if tilt and roll are proportional ) so that the Mag can be switched on.
BTW.. DX7 working properly now ??

@GarageLars - Can not find anything else to adjust.. worked fine before FW update.
IN Functions -> Proportional, there is an adjustable control for your Proportional stick inputs for the three control axis.
This function needs to be refined.

@DKtek ... hmmm... Can't check right now, but last time I had it running, the Artificial Horizon was working. Promise to fixit if its not working.

@Boris .. YES please!!!... I wish I could do it myself right now.. but I just cannot !!

Sorry for lack of replies right now.... really hectic at my day job the past 2 weeks and this week.

Thanks for now. Be Back soon.

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dr ray

dr ray
Thanks george for replaying, and the explanations.
Cool, power is back on acceleration, using know between 400 and 600. I have a very good setup jet. Just about to test oustide and now the usb connetction of the 3XPRO blue up!
I coud cry..but good thing....with jeti its still working, and all the funtions seem to work to.
With usb connected, there is no light flashing -, and laptop is picloc no reconising any more. First looked like i lost the picloc usb driver, but its not the case. What what I supposed to do, can i fix this? My picloc STD is working with STD X3DL.hex with laptop and toolz.

Some thing else, the magnetometer on the PRO is also turnig the pan axis constantly. (holding the gimbal up on pan). Jeti shows me -21° the hole time. It did not happen in older firmwares. Just in HD 55.
If i untag the magnetomerter i have a very good result. Thats the reason, why i was writing that the magnetometer tag is working the opposite.

please let me know what to do with the usb connection.....

Thanks george


Drone Enthusiast
Thanks george for replaying, and the explanations.
Cool, power is back on acceleration, using know between 400 and 600.
Thanks george

hum i am confused how is it back on ? Did george cook the firmware already ?



Hi Dr Ray,

Sorry about the USB. I can help you fix it if you have a soldering iron. Its just a question of retouching the 5 usb connections at the back of the usb, with the tip of the soldering iron...therefore refreshing the solder joint.

Perhaps, having Picloc USB enabled is not a good idea after all.... It happens a lot that the mount can be overcontrolled, or a user makes a wrong setting on the servos , and the thug on the USB cable is strong enough to detach the connections.

Some folks are leaving the USB plugged in on the Picloc side, and flying the cable with the mount. OF course, the mini USB is tied to the camera mount, so that it is strain relieved from any pulling forces.

About the Mag.... Strange... was working well for me.
Just make sure that Picloc is not close to strong magnetic forces. If you have compass, put it in place of Picloc, and if it deviates from its supposed position, then that's the reason why its constantly drifting. See my reply to @Seattle above.


No Boris..... I added two firmwares to test. These have amplified I and D terms. These were added a mere 6 minutes after the post.


OK.. I just updated the HD55 firmware folder with firmware called:


What is it, the new Propotional-Setup? I don't get it. Why tilt and pan (twice)?
Can you make a note of it on your website?


Sorry for lack of replies right now.... really hectic at my day job the past 2 weeks and this week.

Thanks for now. Be Back soon.


Heck George,

I don't believe that any of the other gimbal stab companies out there are as proactive as you are with firmware updates. What you are doing here is almost obsessive but we the customers are benefiting not only from the updates but we are also influencing the changes to the FW. Sure, companies take customer response in consideration for future products but here we are actively changing the product almost on a daily basis. That's just the start. As customers, we are collectively learning more about the product than most would while reading a manual.

Bottom line is, Thank you!


Drone Enthusiast
Heck George,

I don't believe that any of the other gimbal stab companies out there are as proactive as you are with firmware updates. What you are doing here is almost obsessive but we the customers are benefiting not only from the updates but we are also influencing the changes to the FW. Sure, companies take customer response in consideration for future products but here we are actively changing the product almost on a daily basis. That's just the start. As customers, we are collectively learning more about the product than most would while reading a manual.

Bottom line is, Thank you!

Same from my side ! The activeness you are working on the firmware and responding to requests from users is great. Something MK or DJI dont even achieve with their teams !



George, it's true, you have been extremely responsive helping all of us. I appreciate all of your time and help. So thank you. I know this stuff isn't trivial.

On the other hand it has been a little frustrating doing essentially beta and even alfa testing of features I had hoped to utilize from the start back in December. That part has been unfortunate.

I installed X3DL and I have two known issues now:

1) I have the same constant pan drift with the magnetometer enabled just as dr ray describes. If I deselect it everything functions properly. Picloc is as isolated as possible from surrounding components. Is that correctable?

2) When I set the sliders to the necessary values to get good pan stabilization it makes the pan stick control oscillate the gimbal when it feathers to a stop. If I switch the AUX switch to disable pan stabilization the pan stick control is silky smooth. If I reduce proportional gain and acceleration it helps the problem but then the stabilization is not as good. Can I have the best of both worlds or must I sacrifice one for the other?

Thanks George.

dr ray

dr ray
@ http://www.multirotorforums.com/member.php?699-seattle_heloseattle helo

the magnetometer gets more effected then i thougt. Just fond out with the jetibox. I`m searching for this particular little move of george, where i was tortureing the pan axis of the
the 3xpro. I can not find it any more. Somehow i got in mind, that the magnetometer is quiet resistant to disturbing magnetic fields.
Well at the moment i need to find out how close the picloc gan be attached to electric componets.
But not using the magnetometer seems to work as well.

dr ray


Drone Enthusiast
guys were on the page is the new HD55 firmware with the with the I and D terms enable/stronger again ?




OK.. I just updated the HD55 firmware folder with firmware called:


These are found here.

Attention while using them !

No need to factory default.... just reduce your I and D faders, and adjudt to suit.


Post #464

Hi everybody.
Today i made the update to the latest firmware.
Looks fine so far, but i have a very small range on Roll with the manual stick control.
When the mount is stabilizing the range is fine. It travels the whole way from one side to the other.
Roll is in proporional mode and with my Stick i can only move it some millimeters.
I tried to pull up Dual Rate in my transmitter to 140 % but it changes just a bit.
When i change to slew mode it travels the whole range.
Also pan and tilt moves very slow. Great for
Normal shooting, but a bit to slow for action shoots
Anyone with the same problem or a solution ?
Regards Jochen

dr ray

dr ray
Hi Jochen,
My PRO is just out of funktion :-( but how much do you have on the ATW`s tilt and roll.

and if you rise the stick power in slew mode, it goes fast to.
Try it out.

dr ray
