New to the game with ideas, but still some questions


ahh cool, found a few other places.

Why do you say aus is the mecca? I was under the impression our laws were the most painful unless i am mistaken


Drone Enthusiast
I was just kidding. Although I have seen a ton of post by folks from Australia - and a bunch of the boutique companies are/were down there. Not sure about the laws. I also wondered if there is less hassle getting things shipped from China to AUS??? It can be 3 weeks delivery time here. Very few complete MR dealers in the US. Still focused on fixed wing and cars/trucks.

USA is gearing up for a big battle over the use of "drones" and that should be interesting (read annoying and overly drawn out).

Not sure how the exchange rate works out for those props - but for reference the APC here are about $3 USD. Not bad, and WAY cheaper than losing more expensive parts from an unnecessary crash.


Well that was exciting, testing out a few changes in the paddock. Flying in gps mode pretty happily, decide to try RTH/Failsafe toggle.

Light starts flashing yellow quickly, hovers and slowly lowers itself then shoots straight up in the air :/ after a split second turning off failsafe and realising i cant get control back, smash it into manual mode where i manage to wrestle the beast back down to a surprisingly soft landing. Noticed that it also does this when i hit failsafe in atti mode..

Interesting to say the least


Drone Enthusiast
Well that was exciting, testing out a few changes in the paddock. Flying in gps mode pretty happily, decide to try RTH/Failsafe toggle.

Light starts flashing yellow quickly, hovers and slowly lowers itself then shoots straight up in the air :/ after a split second turning off failsafe and realising i cant get control back, smash it into manual mode where i manage to wrestle the beast back down to a surprisingly soft landing. Noticed that it also does this when i hit failsafe in atti mode..

Interesting to say the least

whew. Nice work landing her!


It's a turnigy 9x the new one with new firmware.

Going to go to a bigger area and try again. This time I'll be ready to catch it in manual mode if needed. Apparently rth doesn't work too well if the quad is already near it's home point. And if it's down low it will fly up before coming back down


Yeah, if you flip it into rth failsafe, it will first climb to like 20m or something, then return to your homepoint and descend.


Excellent, I'll try it this week, haven't yet set up a signal loss setting yet, but I did manage to get a lipo that fits the transmitter.

Also investing in the proper dji frame and legs to hopefully reduce vibrations due to the cheap copy I have. Also will add a gimble at the same point
