New pilot from Danbury, CT USA


I'm currently flying a Lotus T380, and just started flying in March. It's been nearly six months of crashes and other equipment problems for me until I finally got to the point where I can really fly and get some aerial shots. One crash was into a swamp resulting in a total loss of aircraft; it will be a long time before I fly over water again. Someone without the addiction would have given up a long time ago. I work for a residential construction company and my boss purchased this heli to take aerial shots of projects. I hope to build my own quad next year after I get better at flying and figure out what I want to build.

I already have a question. When I land my heli, the blades continue to spin. Even if I turn off my transmitter (Walkera Devo 7), the blades are still going. I notice that my transmitter is at 1% throttle when I land, even with the stick all the way down. I have to walk over it and very carefully pick it up to unplug the battery. What's the problem? When I first plug it in and bind, the throttle shows 1% and the blades don't spin then until I give it more throttle.


This problem with the rotors continuing to spin just magically went away this morning. I don't know what adjustment I made. Maybe it will come back later. I had lots of other problems with the trim.


Aerial DP
you need the throttle trim disabled or neutral...... all subtrims except mode switches zerod out.....


That makes sense since I was mistakenly messing around with the throttle trim trying to solve a different problem.
