New Monterey California Video


Drone Enthusiast
Nice scenery. I live a few hours from there. I am frightened to death of flying near seagulls now. They apparently hate drones! I watched them gather around and take stabs at the thing. Clearly they do not like it. I'm still not sure if it's the noise or the fact a large object is in their airspace.


Iris, yes, I've definitely noticed the seagulls start swarming anywhere I'm at near the beach - I think they view it as an invader to their space. For some reason, the other birds on the rock didn't seem to mind it at all. I slow down the seagulls so it looks nice and beautiful, but if you speed it up to normal, it looks like an ATTACK. Thanks for watching.


beautiful, if you don't mind, how much time filming, and how much time editing?



Turns out Bee's hate Drones as well. (work out the pun in that one)...

Doing a gig in St. Marten and when we launched off the top of this mountain a swarm of bee's came up and attacked the heli! So bad you could see them bouncing off the cameras, ruined the shot. Thought it was a fluke and quickly brought it back. Took a couple of minutes, reset and went out again, determined to stay the course and get a shot! Bee's went nuts this time!! Unfortunately that wasn't the real problem... Landing was!! The bee's stayed with the damned heli all the way back to the landing pad this time. Cleared the whole place including the 50 some odd tourists who were watching. Got the bird down and I ran for it too!!

Spent hours cleaning bee juice out of everything!!!!!


Dave, the Monterey piece took one morning - three flights. For editing, I spend the weekend, off and on, probably a total of 12 hours, editing a piece like this. I'm still learning, so it takes me much longer than a regular video editor. But I have fun. Thanks for watching.

beautiful, if you don't mind, how much time filming, and how much time editing?

