Mikrokopter MK powering LED's without a PDB


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Hi all,
I'm wiring my FC 2.1 and have to find a place to pull power for a small strip of LED's. I'm looking at the 5V pad just above the PPM pad by I2C bottom corner of the board. WIll that work? The ground will be switched by the left prong of the top left SV2 (??) plug. I'm not using an MK power board so this is uncharted territory for me.


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i suppose i could have just pulled + from the center prong of the top SV2 plug but i thought the 6 LED limit applied there also and I'm using two 6 LED strips.
hmmmm.....i think i'm good where I am by the PPm pad but it would have been a lot easier with the center prong.


Merlin of Multirotors
As long as you keep it to no more than 6 LEDs to a strip you can power them right off the servo connector on the flight controller. If you want more than that you'll need something like the CC BEC where you can set the voltage although that only goes up to 9 volts which should be enough depending on just how many LEDs you want to run at the same time. As to how you would wire that up, I'd have to think about it for a bit in the morning after I jump start my brain with some caffeine.



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As I understand it, each ground on the SV2 can handle six LED's which is fine but can the center +5v prong handle the full twelve? I'm thinking it can.


Merlin of Multirotors
As I understand it, each ground on the SV2 can handle six LED's which is fine but can the center +5v prong handle the full twelve? I'm thinking it can.

No, 5 volts isn't enough juice, I doubt the LEDs would even light up if you tried to power them off that feed. Most of the ones I have won't even begin to throw off any light until at least 7 or 8 volts. Hang on a minute here while I go check on something, I think I may have the answer you're looking for...

OK, found this, wasn't what I was thinking of but it should do the job for you... https://www.mikrokopter.us/shop/index.php?route=product/product&path=35&product_id=301

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just checked the volts on my MK Okto 2 and the LED's are getting full battery voltage, 14.8 so I'll have to pull power from the battery pad on the FC when I get the connections done.
