Maytech 85A ESC Calibration Issue


Day or Night...
I am using the Maytech 85A ESC with my AXI 4120/20 motors.

When everything is connected (transmitter, receiver, ESC) I get 6 beeps from the motor (6 cell battery) followed by 2 beeps (brake off) as it should be.
Everything should be ready to start by using one of the combination stick commands (CSC) but the motors do not respond to any of the CSC.

I was told I needed to calibrate the ESC so I tried to program the ESC by doing the following:

  1. Turned on transmitter and set throttle stick to maximum (Spektrum DX8).
    1. Turned on the receiver/DJI stuff as well (although the ESC instructions didn’t mention this step but what point is turning on the transmitter if the receiver is not on)
    2. Connected the ESC BEC connector (has no power) to the throttle port of the receiver (also not mentioned in the instruction but the ESC needs to see what the throttle is doing)
  2. Connect the battery to the ESC and wait 2 seconds for 2 beeps

No beeps!
Any ideas?
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Rather than calibrate with the ESC's connected to the DJI. Disconnect, and calibrate by plugging each ESC (1 at a time) into the receiver. Place throttle in full position, then power it all up, lower throttle and complete cali process. Hope that helps,



Yeah, it won't send full throttle to an esc from the Dji for safety reasons. Edit: I see this is what you're doing.
Is the motor connected? That's where the beeps come from. Take props off!

You can use servo Y cables from the Rx to program multiple esc's at a time as well.
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Day or Night...
I got it working by using the transmitter to program the ESC, throttle calibration that is.
Its the first 4 beeps you hear when everything is powered up.
Your correct Patrick, I had to plug the ESC into the receiver, one at a time.

With the stick at maximum I then powered up the ESC/motor and waited for the start of the four beeps.
Once they started I then move the throttle to minimum position I waited for the two confirmation beeps.
ESC calibration done!

Thanks for the help


Little tip so you don't crash: Program the voltage cutoff to NiMH. Even the low setting of Lipo is too high. I learned the hard way.


Day or Night...
Good point!

Maiden flight coming up this Saturday...scared s#$tless :-]
Anyone have a checklist of items to double check before flight (ESC, Wookong-m, AR8000, DX8, cut-off voltage, GPS/Manual/Failsafe, etc.)?

