manual mode throttle response/power in atti mode?


I have looked into this,but is it possible?.Would there be a way of having the same throttle power in atti mode.I suppose if you had the throttle esc directly into receiver would do it but this would be extremly dangerous as the flight controller wouldint be able to monitor and control throttle.(Tarot 650 cutdown to 480 for referrence)


I am not trying to accomplish but asking if there is a way to have the same type of throttle response in atti mode as it has in manual mode.The throttle has a lot more power in manual mode vs atti.When I give full throttle in manual it rockets vs atti it is slower.This is naza.Probaly not doable but why the throttle difference?


Drone Enthusiast
Unfortunately it's not possible to adjust/assign the throttle to be similar in the 2 modes.

Manual mode is fully manual and direct input, whereas atti mode has a throttle function that keeps the craft hovered at 50% throttle position (physically the stick in the center), regardless of the actual power needed to hover.

The reasoning is to make atti mode more user-friendly, and aid in the more subtle moves.


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
Think of atti and GPS mode as not being a throttle but as a rate of decent/ascent demand stick. At centre you are demanding no rate of ascent/descent so regardless of weight the aircraft will hover as you move the stick up you are asking the machine to move up to lets say 2m/s ascent rate at 75% of throttle range and at 4m/s at full stick or -2m/s at 25% and -4m/s at 0. Manual mode is just pure throttle thus it can be a lot more responsive.


I know exactly how the naza works and the difference between flight modes but I read somewhere how someone configured/hacked the naza to not goveren the throttle in atti mode.Perhaps this is total bullshit but he had the same throttle response in atti as you would in manual.He had this >(just pure throttle thus it can be a lot more responsive)but in atti mode.Thanks for the reply.
