Lower voltage range for a LIPO 11.1V battery


Just completed building my stock dji 550 and have a general battery question. The unit came with a 3 cell 11.1V battery. I'm not sure what i should be setting my lower battery limits to to ensure a safe flight. Appreciate any thoughts/experience on the question. Thx


Just completed building my stock dji 550 and have a general battery question. The unit came with a 3 cell 11.1V battery. I'm not sure what i should be setting my lower battery limits to to ensure a safe flight. Appreciate any thoughts/experience on the question. Thx

Many of us, myself included, do not use that feature because when the battery gets to a certain preset level the MR will land itself right then and there wherever that may be. What we do is to use a cheap low battery alarm/reader and time our batteries. For instance, the first flight on a new setup or different battery is flown for say 5 minutes. Land and see what your voltage is at. The next flight make it 7 minutes lets say and do the same thing. Target voltage after landing is around 3.7v to 3.79v or at least that is what I shoot for. If you have a good charger that shows how many mah's you put back into the battery when you charge it then what you want to shoot for is 80% of what the battery is rated for. I.E. If it is a 5000mah battery you should be putting in 4000mah back in per charge which would mean you are getting everything you can out of that battery.

Anyways, just the way I do it.... If someone will chime in that does use that feature it would be great.

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
As flygirl said, except of course it's fine to use the limit function. Remember, it does have two stages but everyone gets obsessed with the second one.

For first stage I would set something like 10.9V. When you see the yellow flashing light (depending on what system you have) it's time to land. I set the second one really ridiculously low, like 9.9v. It is just for super emergencies like a failing lipo.

When you land and unplug the lipo the voltage should read something like 3.8v per cell (more like 15 minutes after you land as the lipo sometimes needs a bit of time to bounce back).

Using a timer is essential during a flight. You'll get to know how long you can fly for and how wind shortens flight times etc. Use this and the first stage alarm to time your flights along with how many mah you are putting back into your lipo when charging.
