Issue with altitude hold at mid throttle


I've got an issue with a 250mm quad I've just built with a Naza Lite + GPS.
It won't hold altitude at mid throttle and I have to keep pushing the stick to around 60% to keep height. The sticks are centred in assistant. The Naza is registering an input as I get double green flashes when holding altitude at 60% throttle. It's the same in Atti mode too.
There's plenty of power there as it will hover in manual mode at around 60 to 65% throttle and if I punch the throttle it goes straight up with no problem at all.
ESCs are calibrated.

Any ideas? To me, it looks like the Naza is completely ignoring the barometer.


If it hovers at 60% in manual, then there is nothing wrong with the Naza wanting to do the same. (In my opinion). props? all up weight? battery size? motor kv? all of these have an effect on how much throttle it takes to hover. Naza will not correct a miss matched setup, again, (in my opinion).:tennis:

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
I've got an issue with a 250mm quad I've just built with a Naza Lite + GPS.
It won't hold altitude at mid throttle and I have to keep pushing the stick to around 60% to keep height. The sticks are centred in assistant. The Naza is registering an input as I get double green flashes when holding altitude at 60% throttle. It's the same in Atti mode too.
There's plenty of power there as it will hover in manual mode at around 60 to 65% throttle and if I punch the throttle it goes straight up with no problem at all.
ESCs are calibrated.

Any ideas? To me, it looks like the Naza is completely ignoring the barometer.

Seems strange to me. It should hover with the sticks centred. Keep experimenting and see what happens.


Yeah, it's very odd. I mean, if there wasn't enough power it just wouldn't fly at all. It's quite happy to fly it just won't do a hands-off hover (self centring throttle) if you know what I mean.
I've changed the motor timings up to high on the Turnigy Plush ESCs I'm using.

Full specs:

FPV250 frame
Turnigy Multistar 1704 1900kv motors
Turnigy Plush 10A ESCs
GWS 5030 tri-blade props
AUW is just over 520g so it's a bit of a fatty.







You are not going to like that Fatshark pilot camera for FPV. Way too much latency. I think they just got things crossed at the factory. As they don't seem to have the latency on the recording to SD card, but the video out is very delayed. You might try some 2 blade props and see if there's a difference. Can't have too many props laying around, you'll use them sooner or later. Some 5/4's would be interesting to try.


Aerial DP
a couple things can do this, i think you reffer to one where you need the throttle at half stick when you click finish doing the radio calibration. that sets what it'll know as half stick.... but i've also seen it on rigs under propped, the algorythm won't let it run at half stick cause it's trying to leave reserve. my guess is bigger props might be in order.

I fly a biggin on a2 that hovers at 60%, maxes up towards 80% and my hovers are always 50% in atti or gps mode. we fly over propped discoveries that hover on naza at 40% throttle, they also float along at 50% throttle overs in atti/gps.

As a last resort, it could be the altitude gain
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I've got some 5040 tri blades I can try as well as some 5040 two blades too. I'll give them a shot along with some 6030s I have kicking around somewhere from another build.
My S800 EVO with A2 will hover until the packs run dry at 50% throttle as will my Phantom and F550. It's just this one that won't. I suppose as a last resort I could pop the Naza Lite on the F550 to test.

Yes cootertwo, the camera is a big pile of poo. I've got another CCD cam sitting here ready to go on in it's place. It's such a shame as the recorded footage is pretty good for such a small camera.


Yea, someone screwed the pooch on that camera. It does do pretty good recording. And on mine, when I watch the video recorded, going by the motor noise, and the attitude of the quad, there doesn't seem to be any lag at all. BUT, the video out is severely delayed. I'm hoping they will come up with an update or something. Too bad, as it was a good idea.:tennis:


Just to update you. I moved up to 6" props and now I have to have the stick at 40% to maintain hover. It just wants to go up all the time. Swapped back to the 5" and we're back to going down again.
I'm pretty convinced that I have a faulty barometer. Just need to convince my supplier now.
