GoPro Blurfix


Drone Enthusiast
Just got my Blurfix GoPro kit.. very nicely put together and includes a UV filter in the kit

Will post a pic when its fitted



Drone Enthusiast
So Now its fitted..


The UV filter that comes with the kit has been milled down to guarantee no vignetting.

So if you want to add other filters you will probably need to get them from Snakeriver distributors.. Who it is claimed hold stock for these milled down filters.



Active Member
Hey Dave,

I saw this lens on Amazon a little while back. Is there any benefit to using it besides the addition of a filter? Does it also correct the massive fisheye of the GoPro some?




Drone Enthusiast
@ Terry.. HNY and all that stuff.

No it does not fix the fish eye but the GP2 goes a long way to sorting that out and is a total game changer for me. I got this cause I wanted to use a UV or polariser for snow. Its mainly for underwater use but as you can fit filters and lens caps for me its another advantage..


@ Terry.. HNY and all that stuff.

No it does not fix the fish eye but the GP2 goes a long way to sorting that out and is a total game changer for me. I got this cause I wanted to use a UV or polariser for snow. Its mainly for underwater use but as you can fit filters and lens caps for me its another advantage..


In what way is a game changer for you Dave? I have the HD and HD2 now and I'm disappointed in the 2. The 1080 90 FOV is the only reason I got the 2 and the picture is poor. It is basically digitally zoomed then cropped and you can see it clearly. The picture is very pixaly compared to the wider FOVs. For some reason the colour seems better on my HD too. I think I would have been better modding the lens rather than buying the HD2.


Merlin of Multirotors
What are the little white balls for?

I like the concept, looks like something I could work up myself on the machine tools in the garage given the right bits to start with. Might have to take a trip to the local camera shop soon and see what I can find that might be adapted to work, something to do on those cold snowy winter days that will be arriving any time now!



The little white balls are for keeping any mosture or condensation out from between the filters and the gopro lens. It was originally designed for underwater use.


What are the little white balls for?

I like the concept, looks like something I could work up myself on the machine tools in the garage given the right bits to start with. Might have to take a trip to the local camera shop soon and see what I can find that might be adapted to work, something to do on those cold snowy winter days that will be arriving any time now!

