Gopro 4

Jake Bullit

Yes it`s definitely true,loads of cool new stuff too..........

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This whole time I've been waiting for brushless gimbals to catch up to heavier cameras, who would have thought light weight cameras would catch up around the same time.


Drone Enthusiast
I dont only use my cameras in helis Denny. It would be nice to have at least 1080/60p on the canons and it is inexcusable to not especially since the damn things are still H.264. BUt great as a camera. I love Canon glass and have it so that is my main reason. But these small cams are no doubt only getting better. But really, who cares? it's all just tech specs to jerk off to in the end.


Dirty Little Hucker
I was all excited about that.... UNTIL I heard that dude say magnetic backing... I won't be buying one of them for obvious reasons.


Active Member
I'm assuming this is a rhetorical question... Better sensor, magic lantern, better glass, manual everything.

Better glass - do you mean for AP or cinematography if you are referring to AP then sadly you are wrong. I have explained it enough times.


Active Member
I dont only use my cameras in helis Denny. It would be nice to have at least 1080/60p on the canons and it is inexcusable to not especially since the damn things are still H.264. BUt great as a camera. I love Canon glass and have it so that is my main reason. But these small cams are no doubt only getting better. But really, who cares? it's all just tech specs to jerk off to in the end.

Whether you believe the claims or not the point is that people will produce stuff that is as good or better than the male jewelry alternative and the machines will be smaller and much safer, which should be everyones primary concern. . It is not going to happen it is happening. Sure I still use my 550D with magic lantern and a whole bunch of lenses on the ground. That is a totally different photographic scenario. After 12,000 hours and about 40 years in the AP business I have been there and done it and I know where it is now going. The size and quality of the sensor is what dictates the size and weight of everything else. Sensor technology has improved in massive steps recently. Large sensors are not what is required any longer. How come a 808 Nokia cell phone was able to beat the **** out of a 5D on all of the chart tests. How come persistent stare ( the world highest rez. AP camera) uses an array of standard sensors taken from a mobile phone. If it makes you happy to believe that what you have is great then enjoy it while you can.
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So you like payload. What is the point of having a Canon anything......

Well Canon have started down the path of non dslr cameras that weigh far far less than a dslr and make use of high quality interchangeable lenses. Nikon have headed down that path too. Playing catch up to the others but they are on the pathway.


Denny, if you go to the dpreview website and look at the nokia 808 review you will then be able to find the section where you can compare the 808 with any other camera they have in their database. The 5d is now a 10 year old camera and the option to compare isnt even available on the website anymore so I compared the 5d2 with the Nokia 808 and its not even close. Check for yourself, the clarity of the 5d2 which is now a 6 year old camera is still miles and miles better. The Nokia 808 suffers because its got a crap lens when compared to any decent dslr lens and it has that typically muddy and noisy file output densely packed sensors all suffer from. I certainly would never dream of handing over files like those from the 808 to any of my clients. Even the old 550d produces a file with far more clarity and thats also an old camera now. Lots of resolution is one thing but clean files win when it comes to print media reproduction ( not inkjet home printers). The 808 is riddled with noise, its such a muddy looking file. Great quality compared to other phone cameras but still not even a serious comparison with a dslr.
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Latest GP3 Black update took it back under 35mbps... Solve the card buffer issue and get it into the 50 range again and re-lensed, I might start agreeing with you Denny. That said, have you seen 5D3Raw???


Active Member
Latest GP3 Black update took it back under 35mbps... Solve the card buffer issue and get it into the 50 range again and re-lensed, I might start agreeing with you Denny. That said, have you seen 5D3Raw???

Plenty of reasons why you may still believe that you are doing the right thing but at the end of the day you have to ask yourself some important questions. Am I getting a return on my investment and is the perceived quality what I was expecting. Does the client see me as being any better than the opposition. In terms of still photography those who based their pitch on my camera has more pixels than your camera went out of business because they did not focus on the right thing which was to take the best pictures. A hollywood director does not care what camera you use only that the footage is what he wants to see.

The high data rate will only help you if you are going to start swinging the camera about which will only produce crap anyway.
Then what do you do with it, 99% of the time the typical work that gets handed out to small time video outfits ends up on youtube or a web site.

Even when I shoot CGI stuff it is usually only requested at 1440x1080p.

The possibilities that targa files can bring to the table make more difference than you will ever need in all probability, the dynamic range from a protune GoPro is good enough that nobody could see any difference accept in a lighting situation that you will never encounter doing AP. If I need to go beyond what I have typically used in the last year (Nex-7) with a Zenmuse. I don't need anything more. Because when I have finished with it in the edit suit you would not know that it had been cut with red footage. The most important aspect is the accuracy of the stabilisation. There is no point in having footage from a Canon 5D-3 if it has even slight movement because you cant fix that kind of problem and make it blend. You simpley make life difficult for yourself for no reason. Unless you can match the stabilisation of a small camera then you have no benefit in using a DSLR. I am sick to death of directors sending me footage to try and rescue that has been shot with a DSLR.

FWIW I have 4 foot x 16 foot panoramas stitched together from GoPro 3 12mp. stills recorded whilst shooting video.

First I correct the distortion in photoshop as a batch and then with On One software expand the image (lossless) and then using photoshop stitch the images together and finally color correct with the levels function. It is rare to need this size of reproduction but it shows that there is not much wrong with the lens. In my last book I never needed any file size over 12 Mp.
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Your work no doubt speaks for itself and I would love nothing better to reduce the sheer amount of dollars at risk on every flight. Smaller is better and we've been playing with that Pana cam you turned us on to, thank you for that!! Maybe our post will have to get better as we still cant seem to get an AP result from our GP3's that would displace the 5D3, particularly in the corners or in the shadows... Either way, I do agree in principal if not entirely on execution. Hoping in a year you're 100% right and I can happily eat my words :) ;)


Active Member
In the mean time, we will all have to do what works for us. Somewhere in the middle I expect we will meet. I have shot part of a TV commercial with a GoPro on a rare day when the sun did not shine here. When I look around I see a lot of other people people making TV commercials with GoPro and like the DSLR revolution it seems to have created a small industry around it. I even saw some guy in Norway shooting cinematic stuff with a 808 so it shows that in the right hands all this stuff works. The final analysis of how you got there is not that important, it is the final result that counts.

BTW that TZ40 is the most vibration sensitive camera that I have ever seen. After a hell of a lot of work it does produce some incredible stuff but it is not yet ready for this marketplace. I do have a lens from the earlier one that is working on a Hero-3. A real hack but it works better than it looks.


Chuckling... glad you mentioned it as we're still chasing vibes as well. Wondering now if its the OIS??


Active Member
Yes it is mechanical parts inside the lens. It is also very easy for sand etc. to get inside the lens barrel. I finally had success with it suspended from small elastic bands. The work done with this camera did however bring about a few improvements in the way in which I balance the motors. If I get time I can make a very short video of how to do it with an Iphone. You will not believe your eyes when you see how much vibration comes from a standard Phantom.
