Found My Distro Board Finally...


Aerial DP
need one of these

i use this one for power connectors and crap. flows out solder fast. Got it back in teh 90's when i'd do car audio, they used this thin multi strand in 2/0 and bigger for power, tinning the end gave the lug something to bite into and it was like tinning 16 gauge witha weller.... it just did it and fast

whole different deal. You can plumb a house with these things

we have been using these boards and love them for our builds at first we did not like that they were both exposed but now they come with Isolation plates in between the boards just in case you were to snap the standoffs. here is a intro of the boards power Hungry systems has made a great product if you want to lift some major weight this is something to consider. we have not had an issue with this board it is a lot cheaper than the Aerodrive.
