East Coast Fly-In?


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Anyone up for a multi rotor fly-in?

How does May 7 sound?

We'll have to work out a spot to have it. I wonder if we could get away with meeting on the mall in DC and doing some AP and FPV without getting arrested. hmmmm.:confused:


Bart I'm all in for a fly in and that date should be fine. I must say I think you're crazy for wanting to have it in DC though! I really don't have a better suggestion but that's a lot of heat!


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okay, okay. we'll come up with a location but let's shoot for that date.


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anyone? Crash? RTRyder? Redhotpearl and I can't have all the fun........


Merlin of Multirotors
anyone? Crash? RTRyder? Redhotpearl and I can't have all the fun........

I'm up for it as long my work schedule allows and I can get a hall pass from the wife...;)

If you're AMA members and don't mind a bit of a drive you could come up this way and we could fly here... http://www.nehelicrew.com/Field.aspx

I think homeland security might want to have a little talk if you flew anywhere in DC proper, as far as I know all of it is off limits to anyone but the military and Air Force 1



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let's see when the date gets closer who can commit and who can't. maybe crash will be available as well as matrosek and redhotpearl. liberty state park might be a good place to fly because of the scenery options but we'll see in a couple of months what we have to work with.


New Member
Hi Guys.I should have my x650 FPV ready by then.Lets see,what place we'll pick.there is a small park we can fly here by brooklyn and manhattan bridge ..really cool scenery...;o).


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Active Member
Anyone else have a place in mind? I would be willing to meet when you decide on a location.

I really have no clue where. Is it legal to go to a park like that and launch 10-15 drones in the air? Is there anyone offiliated with a club that may host something like that? Then everyone would have to be AMA. I really don't know it's a big eastern seaboard.


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is it legal? hmmmm, you had to ask that question.
let's pick a day first. is May 7 something we can work towards? any later and it starts to get hot, especially farther south. any sooner and we could be traipsing through mud to do our thing.
Anyone want to change the date or can we agree on May 7?
all in favor say aye


Active Member
aye. I can make that date work since it's so far out.

As for a location, I have a few people in the area that I can talk to and see if anything turns up. No promises, but it's worth a shot. Possible locations that I might be able to get legal access to include a school sports field & a farm with lots of open space.


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;) cool. if you read the bylaws one aye is enough to pass a resolution so may 7 it is. :D

we've got peeps from Boston to Virginia so midway is a field 5 miles or so from my house. how convenient! (just stepped off the treadmill so i'm a bit punchy) seriously though, i'd think central New Jersey would be about four hours from our outer most people. moving it south would make it difficult for our esteemed New Englanders and moving it North would make it a stretch for those South of the Mason Dixon line. Rutgers University is centrally located in the state so maybe we can use that as a focal point? I'll give the sports department a call and see if they can recommend a site. I know that they have a sports bubble but i'm not expecting them to offer it.

matrosek suggested an area by the Brooklyn Bridge but that's pretty close to the coast and can be windy. actually, Rutgers isn't too far from the coast either. hmmmm, i wonder if Naval Air Station Willow Grove has a hangar that they're not using on the 7th??

let's see what we can come up with.


Active Member
Hey, they have free wi-fi now though! We could use that as a place to upload all the pics from the event. ;-)


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I just sent this to the Pres. of the ECIM club that flies in one of the blimp hangars at Lakehurst, NJ (http://www.ecim.net/index.asp)

Hi Robert,
I picked up your contact info from the ECIM website, I'm part of a group of multi-rotor copter flyers that are trying to find a location for a fly-in on May 7. Multi-rotor copters are electric powered helicopters that use multiple electric motors/props to fly and as of today it looks like we'll have ten to fifteen people participating. It will be an extremely informal affair and, as this is the first year of us doing this event, it will be more about fun and meeting each other than anything else. We'd be very happy to show your club members our craft and explain how they work.
Do you think the ECIM club would be interested in hosting us?
I can either be reached via email or on my cell phone. I also host a website dedicated to multi-rotor helicopters at www.multirotorforums.com. A few of your members may recognize me as I was a member of the Round Valley RC Club in Pittstown, NJ for a few years.
Thank you very much for your consideration.


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Well, I spoke to Rob from the ECIM flying club and there's good news and bad news. The good news is that he was very receptive to the idea of hosting us. The bad news is that there are a number of details that must be in place for us to gain access to the base where the hangar is and there isn't enough time to get it all sorted out.
Rob offered to help get me signed up to visit the group and I'll pay them a visit with my gear and show what we do. If anyone wants to join me I'll be able to bring a few people with me.
I'm also working on access to a hangar at Willow Grove Naval Air Station just north of Philadelphia. Distractions and after-flight options aside, it's a good location for everyone that might come. There's also a small museum there with some pretty cool aircraft, like this one for example.
Worst case we can just pick a park somewhere along Interstate 95 and fly until we get thrown out (then drive to Double Visions).


Drone Enthusiast
I'm getting jealous over here... Just looked at a drum case to get my ADX into for hold luggage!


Active Member
Thanks for following up with them, Bart. Maybe we could still try to do something there at a later date?
