DX8 and X650 question


Hi guys,
As I said on my presentation, I am completely new to rc flying.
I bought a quadcopter X650 and a radio Spektrum DX8.
I am now assembling the quad. But very soon I shall have to make it run. And I have no idea of how to program the radio. Mode? Model?
I found some posts of how to couple an airplane. But not a quad.
Anyone could put me inthe right direction? Links? Sugestions?
Thanks a lot


Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
Hi CM,
As far as the radio is concerned, you're flying an airplane. Set it up as a plane and put in about 35% of what is called "Exponential" control so things are a little less sensitive for you. I've sent my FC and AHRS to a friend to use so someone else will have to explain the software and how to make sure the quad is doing what the radio is telling it and in the proper direction.
Let us know when you get close and we'll help make sure those first couple of flights go well. I'd strongly recommend replacing the plastic hardware that anchors the cooling fan and ESC's with steel screws.


I have also à x650 with futaba 6ex
You must set the settings to acro/plain
And set ALL mixers off on your DX8 !!!
In my case That is INH on my creen off my 6ex
Than connect the jacks in the good order!
If you need help with That let me now!



Thankyou guys,
yes, I used your sugestions. And... it worked. I made my first flight with the skid tied up with strings. Nevertheless, the strinsgs were too long. And after two or three seconds of flight, two meters high, I decreased the throttle so sudenly that it crashed. By the way... how do I fix the carbon fiber skid? Cianoacrilat glue is ok?
I am going to change completely the landing gear design. It is stupid to have such a stiff structure to resist chock. I hope to post a picture of my soultions very soon.
Anyway, I am really grateful to you.
Now, some questions...
1 - How do you install the receiver? I can´t see a good place to anchor it. I made my experiments wityhout the dome, and with the receiver hanging from the structure.
2 - Would it be wise to install a power switch? It seems that plugging and unplugging the lipo all the time is not a good thing (little sparks can be seem when connecting).
3 - I would appreciate some more info about using the softare config. What shall I do with it? First, I used it to change from plus style to cross style. Ok. But besids that.. can i use it with the lipo connected? is there some article to read about?
thanks again... this is exiting.


lot of questions...firtst things first you can try to glue it but its difficult... order a new one or wath you say a disign for the x650
for the receiver is little room is placed under the doom... but let the doom always one it will take the first hit when a blade snaps!!
you can instal a power switch... but you must change battery also i dont need it. mabey a good thing is a lipo warning system with a zoomer one
you can connect that to your leg with the zoomer down and the lipo balencer jack in it... so than a alarm will go off when the voltage is coming to lo
And plus and cross style is nog only software you need also to rebuild your x650 when you change...
read in the manual their are 2 diffent styles to build one cross style other plus style...
you can update your flightcontrollor and ahrs with usb connection here is the site:
scroll down and read it you will see how it work



Thankyou Brian,
Well, I began builting the copter usin the cross system. So I don't have to change any construction. The lipo alarm is a good idea. I'll try it soon. I will look for those firmware updates. At the moment I am designing the new landing gear. I'll post it soon.
Thanks again


Quadcopters.co.uk Drone Specialists
Hi , I will try and help here.
1, Most people try and squeeze it inbetween the top and bottom plate , or certainly under the dome with antenna hanging down the legs.
2, No need for a power switch , sparking is normal when connecting power to most RC models. (also set to motor arming in Xaircraft config software)
3, There is loads of info and videos on my website support forum, http://forum.quadcopters.co.uk/yabb2/YaBB.pl?catselect=XAircraft

Hope this helps, just remember to check all controls before trying with props on .. Also remember to calibrate the AHRS after updating firmware.




The reason of not commenting on the developments after your suggestions is my decision of making improvements on the landing gear. I made already three attempts to make the thing fly. All of themresulted in damages. Yes, I know that the average pilots have the skills. But I have to learn. And so, a good protective landing gear will help me to avoid the damages.

I will postphotos, may be tomorrow. And I guess you will be surprised.

Meanwhile, I have to buy some spares. The props have suffered some injuries and I shall buy new ones. And there is a motor where I can see, when it runs slowly, that the shaft is not very strait.


If I have to replace a motors, should I buy the same ones or should I look for better ones? You, the guys with practice, would you keep on the same original brand?


Hope tocome back soon.

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I would by the same if i where you... Wait to you enough
Experions and them buy Four new one! Not one maybe That
One is à kind of different than the xaircraft motors... First praxtice
À lot for you upgrade save you à lot of money...



Hi again,
As I promised, here is the landing gear modification I came up with, after rejecting a lot of versions. I hope it will last longer.
And it waights 93 g. This can still be reduced optimizing the design and the materials.
Please commentView attachment 633


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Active Member
I set my aleron & elevator to 30% and leave the rudder (yaw) alone. That's really personal preference though. Play with it some till it flys the way you like it.

do i put the rudder at d/r 100 and expo at 0 and sw to inhibit?

do i set any d/r or leave them alone.

thanks again for your help


Active Member
I'll have a look at my radio when i get home and give you my exact settings. For me, it made a ton of difference in how the craft flew. I also got increased performance from having a little extra weight on the craft (if you can believe that). I used 2 x 2200 mah batteries and the extra weight really tamed the 650 down some. With a lighter battery, it seemed to be harder to trim. It doesn't make much sense, but I'm not fighting it. If it works it works. ;-)

that would be ideal if you could mate, i struggle a bit with these new radios and ive just replaced my dx6 with a dx8 :dejection:


Active Member
i stand corrected. I have expo set up for 40% on the Aile & Elev with 18% on the Rud. All rate values are 100. Hope this helps. ;-)
