Dual Rates and Expo


Just learning about the different functions of my Spektrum transmitter and was curious if you guys adjust your dual rates and/or expos. I've seen a few vids of plane owners use and it makes sense for them. Just curious if it has applications with multirotors. If so, in what situations do you use it?


Drone Enthusiast
I adjust the expo for smoother physical movement based on my stick moves. It chills out the MR response (especially yaw) so that filming can be more mellow.

I think dual rates are mostly used for planes to have multiple setups (extreme aileron response, mellow aileron response etc). That way they can be flipped and the rates all change at once. It could be used for a Multirotor if you wanted to use the same craft for quick response zipping around, and later film with it and have mellow stick response.

I have a DX9 and use the dual rates on my MR setups.
I set switch C to the rudder pos 0 @100% pos 1 @ 50% pos 2 @ 35% and set switch F to the aileron & elevator same settings. I think it works good for video, it makes the stick's feel less sensitive without feeling sluggish like the expo does... Plus I get to use more switches


Dual rates and expo are awesome for most models like Helis and airplane but depending on what flight controller you are using you might leave them be as is. On a dji flight controller you can use att gains to adjust what would be similar to expo

The dji naza will allow remote adjustment of the gains using the x1 x2 and gear channels, however, I'm using those for flite control modes and gimbal tilt, therefore you're limited to whatever you set them at in the naza assistant.

Using the dual rates on the spectrum transmitter only affects the travel on the sick, if you set the DR to 50% and push the stick to 100% it only transmits 50% all it's doing is limiting the signal going to the naza flight controller. The controller doesn't care.

I find it works great for subtle movements like making the video look like a jib crane movement or really slow rotation.

Hey, like I say I hate to see all those switches just sitting there doing nothing!
