DJI 30 opto esc bullet connector


Whats the size of the DJI 30 Opto ESC 3pcs female bullet connector?

additionally planning to transfer my naza, esc and motor to a x650 frame... which would be the best options?
1. install the esc on the arms near the motor - extend the esc to power lead connector + the signal cable (esc-MC connector)?
2. install the esc under the mainframe - extend the motor to esc cables?

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Active Member
Personally, I would put the esc out on the arms. It gets better air flow that way and keeps everything neat under the hood.

its 3.5mm. I've done two different setups - first was in the airflow using AXI 2217/12 motors. Ran nice and cool, but I didnt extend them onto the booms. Pic attached. The second method I got a little more creative with space in my CX4 and opened up the shrinkwrap, cut off the bullet connectors (too fiddly to desolder) and soldered my motor wires straight to the remaining bullet "stub" then I heat shrinked the whole thing into a nice looking package and got into the air. They were running AXI 2814/22 that time and they ran a little hotter but still at an acceptable temp after 10 minutes flight without cooling.

I think it depends on your motor, and battery pack. Using higher voltages reduces your draw and I believe this means less heat generated by the ESC. But the larger the motor the more amp draw so the hotter it will get.
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Just be sure if you install the ESC's under the mainframe, a suggestion would be to keep the bullet connectors accessible on the the ends of the arms (defining long esc wires and short motor wires) The reason is you want them to be able to pass through the arms if you ever need to get them out for a repair - specifically the arm stiffeners closest to the main frame. If you break a plastic end motor mount pieces per say, you don't want to have to snip and resolder your bullet connectors or disassemble a whole arm because you can't pull the connectors through the arm. 3.5mm's will not fit through.


I have my DJI 30a Opto ESCs on the main frame close to the center of gravity. They are partially exposed. I put them there for looks. They are exposed enough to allow air flow. Plus I've never pushed the craft to the point where the ESC were overheated.


I will post in here as it saves my exact question starting a new thread! The picture above shows the 30A ESCs mounted under the motor, but the 30A ESC power lead length is only about 5cm. How do you extend the power leads to the inside of the quad? Is it a case of putting on bullet connectors and if so, does anyone have a link to some ones that would work? Maybe car audio style or would they be too big for inside the arm?


Thanks. This may be a stupid question, but how do you stop the all metal connectors touching each other? I have seen bullet connectors with plastic shrouds, but when they are singular like that, how would you connect two of them together in parallel? Surely the metal will touch each other causing a short or do you have to wrap them fully to stop any bare metal showing or are the outsides non-conductive?


Thanks. This may be a stupid question, but how do you stop the all metal connectors touching each other? I have seen bullet connectors with plastic shrouds, but when they are singular like that, how would you connect two of them together in parallel? Surely the metal will touch each other causing a short or do you have to wrap them fully to stop any bare metal showing or are the outsides non-conductive?

You need to heatshrink the connectors after soldering, some come supplied with some
suitable size shrink tubing.


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